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She has been in the game.

Time passed a little bit.

Suddenly, the aura that shrouded around the Soviet Union began to gradually decrease. It was originally between breathing, and these auras were absorbed a little by the Soviet Union.

After the absorption of these auras, Sulu slowly opened his eyes.

In the beautiful beauty, a glimmer of light flashed.

"Let's fall, congratulations!" Zi Yan is sincerely happy for her.

"If you don't say anything, you will be promoted to the eighth order, and you will soon be able to surpass me." Bei Chen Ying smiled and sneaked up.

She was able to advance to the eighth order in one breath, and Su Luo was quite satisfied. She smiled and said: "But the eighth order is nothing, there is nothing to be proud of, are you not eight?"

Bei Chenying was deeply hit. Is his eighth order the same as her? He was specially taken care of from the mother's womb, and the medicated bath was washed and cleaned, but when it was 15 years old, it was still a small waste material.

Beichen Shadow is speechless, and it is not impossible to let her develop and reach the tenth level in the next year.

Just as everyone was happy, some people jumped out of disappointment.

"Sue, the three brothers are lying there for your life and death, you still have a face laughing? You have never seen such a selfish person!" Li Yaoyao smothered the red mouth, screaming at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo did not look at her with a good look, she has never seen such a person who likes to find a sense of existence.

The owner of the Nine-Heaven Temple smiled and slammed the Soviet Union: "This Lord gave you the last chance. If you miss this time, your Nangong can really die."

Su Luo smiled and smiled at the chin: "You are dead, my Nangong will not die."

The smile of the nine-fold lord suddenly stiffened in the corner of his mouth. This girl is so unkind to him, can you say...

Su Lili also ignored him and squatted directly in front of Nangong Liuyun, concentrating on his face.

"Nangong, you are so worried about the world, the heart and lungs of my heart, my heart and lungs, I will be disappointing you?" Su Yin's white fingers stroking his dry skin. "You can rest assured that you will soon be able to rejuvenate." It can also prolong life."

Everyone did not understand what the words of the Soviet Union were, but the Lord of the Eighth Temple listened, but instantly changed his face. How did this girl suddenly open up? How do you know everything?

Just as the owner of the nine-fold temple was puzzling, Suo took out a dagger from his sleeve.

"妍华" dagger, sharp and compelling, blowing can be broken, the dagger is covered with faint cold light, revealing a cold air.

Su Luo did not want to think, raised the dagger deep into the white jade-like wrist!

"Oh--" The dagger penetrated deeply, and a deep red blood suddenly burst out.

"Fall!" Zi Yan suddenly exclaimed, "What are you doing!"

Su turned back and gave Ziyan a pale smile: "Reassured, I am saving Nangong, don't worry."

The nine-fold temple master depressed the amount of support. This girl knows that she actually knows to use this method to save Nangong Liuyun! It seems that it is a scam that can't be fooled. Oh, it's a pity.

Su Luo smiled and laughed at the nine-fold lord of self-blame, and turned to concentrate on the treatment of Nangong Liuyun.

The bright red blood is like a spring, rolling out, and it is scattered on the Nangong Liuyun.

At this time, the Nangong flow cloud seems to be soaked in blood, and a large piece of red on the body, such as the other side of the bridge.

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