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At first, she learned that Li Yaoyao might publicize her secrets. The Soviet Union did have some concerns, but the words of Nangong Liuyun made her eyes bright.

There is Nangong Liuyun protection, what else is she worried about? What's more, she is now eight-stage, and the average person is really not her opponent.

The people decided to stay in the snowy plateau to practice, but God did not seem to care about them.

"Hey." Su Luo snorted.

"What?" Nangong Liuyun spoiled her little head.

"I feel... Dan Tian is hot." Su fell to the small face of the palm of his hand, hesitated with a trace of confusion, "and the legs and feet seem to be unable to control, it seems to be back by the wind."

"Ah?" Everyone looked at each other.

How is this going? How do you feel like feathering? Everyone looked at Su Luo with a magical look.

"I..." The eyes of the Soviet Union looked around for a week, and finally settled on the Nangong Liuyun. "I can't control it!"

The voice just fell, the figure of the Soviet Union was like a flash of light, and instantly disappeared in place.

Everyone left behind, suddenly face each other -

However, Nangong Liuyun suddenly reacted, and he anxiously shouted: "Landing -!!!"

But no matter how the Nangong Liuyun shouted how to tear the heart, the Soviet Union disappeared out of nowhere, leaving no trace.

"Where did you go?" Bei Chenying's eyes were round and sleek, and he felt that he couldn't keep up with his brain.

"Looking like... flew away." Zi Yan thought for a long time, and finally stuttered and said this sentence. Suddenly, Zi Yan’s eyes flashed and shouted. "Right! Just disappeared, It’s really like Li Yaoyao!”

At that time, the three divisions wanted to destroy Li Yaoyao. Zi Yan was so excited, so she stared at him for a moment, for fear of missing a plot, so the brain remembered it very clearly.

The words of Zi Yan reminded Nangong to flow.

Nangong Liuyun quickly calmed down, but the look of the ribbon brought a surprise. He said faintly: "Resume in place, wait for the fall."

If it falls really... The trip to Muxianfu, the harvest of the fall is really against the sky.

Although Bei Chen Ying and Zi Yan did not know what medicine was sold in Nangong Liuyun Hulu, but they were so calm, they were relieved.

Nangong Liuyun meditated in situ and soon entered the state of cultivation.

Beichen Ying and Zijing didn't have the power of Nangong Liuyun's calmness. The two people were really curious, so they jumped to the tree, and flew up to the top of the mountain, looking out from the heights, trying to find something, but looking into the eye. All of them are white snow, but nothing else.

What happened to Sulu at this time?

In fact, even she is confused.

She only felt that her body was like a light, and it flew away in an instant.

When the Soviet Union opens its eyes -

She found a team walking in the snow.

Su Luo had not seen the general situation of this team, but she saw her body suddenly jingling and squatting directly on the carriage on the front side.

This carriage is luxuriously dressed and exquisitely crafted, but Sulu is now completely unnoticed.

Now she can't completely control her body, she can only let her body fall straight!

Just listening to the "jingle" sound, Su Luo legs directly on the top of the car, at this time she is sitting like a thousand feet directly!

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