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"The second uncle is relieved, when the girl is willing to listen to the sedan chair." The eyes of the Ming Emperor flashed an inscrutable sneer.

"Father of the Emperor..." The three princesses did not know when to wake up, but the conversation between the Emperor and the Elders was heard by her. At this time, her eyes were filled with tears and tears dripping.

When the Ming Emperor saw the three princesses woke up, there was a strange look in his heart, but his face was hazy and he screamed: "Shut up!"

"Father, do you really want to send your daughter to marry the old emperor?" The three princesses stood up and screamed, and asked heartbrokenly.

The Emperor of Ming Dynasty sneaked a sigh of relief: "The family has been feeding you for so many years. Now it is time for you to contribute to the family. Since you have no strength, take the body for the development of the North Desert. Soil makes a little contribution."

"No, no, my father is not like this... you are not my father! I won't go!" The three princesses only felt anger and anger, if not, she It has already fallen.

The two elders sneered at the three princesses: "You have to go, you have to go, you have to go, this is not for you."

"If I go, I will not assassinate the Emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty!" The three princesses clenched their fists and shivered. If she had the strength, she would definitely fight with these unrecognizable people!

"No, you don't need to go to the assassination yourself." The two elders seemed to feel agitated and the three princesses were very relieved. They said the truth. "At that time, the inscription master will draw a picture on you, just sleep." You, the Eastern Jin emperor will be poisoned, hahaha-"

"You, you are... shameless!" The three princesses looked pale and the whole body trembled with anger. "The elders, you are the ruler of the royal family, so forcing a weak woman, don't you really feel shameful?"

The great elders looked at the three princesses with a good eye, and the voice was calm and peaceful: "It can sacrifice for the northern desert royal family. This is your glory, child."

Glory your sister! The downs on the roof couldn’t help but marry her.

The northern desert royal family is a shameless person. It is shameless than the original Su Zian. After all, Su Zian uses him. He also knows that he is doing shameless things, but the great elder actually said that he sacrificed or glory. , still honored... This is really not the most shameless, only shameless.

At this moment, Su Luo gave the deepest sympathy to the poor three princesses. Spreading such a family, the princess did not vote for a lifetime.

The eyes of the three princesses gradually became indifferent. Her eyes were full of bloodshot eyes and stepped back: "The Eastern Jin Dynasty has the legendary King of the Golden King. How can you swallow up the Eastern Jin Dynasty? You will regret it! You will regret it!"

Then she turned and ran away.

"Let her go." The elders waved their sleeves and told the two elders who wanted to chase them out. "Someone will follow her and she can't run."

The elders at this time frowned slightly: "The stinky girl said that it is also true, big brother, the other masters of the Eastern Jin Dynasty will be gone, but the King of the King, it is really tricky."

Ming Emperor's brow also wrinkled: "I heard that he is already ten years old at a young age, if it grows up..."

"Then don't let him have a chance to grow up." The elder's mouth sneered with blood and sneered. "In the cradle, he will never be promoted."


I am going to submit the manuscript of this book next Monday. I have been revising it in recent days, so I have less updates, sorry I am sorry~~~ I will resume my eight after Monday. In addition, I recommend a good new book: "Feng Jing Tianxia: The Perfect Color Pets Want to Hugh", the author whispers

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