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The two elders were miserable, but the elders were helpless. He was anxious to talk, but in view of the arrogance of the old man, he stopped.

"Big brother! Help!" The two elders saw the elders did not mean to shoot, heartbreaking and arrogant. Because he has a very bad feeling.

The elders saw this, and after half a sigh of relief, they still smacked their scalp and laughed at the ink ancestor: "Ink brother..."

The old ancestors of the ink ancestors slammed into the snow swords, and the majestic momentum like a raging wave suddenly threatened the elders.

"Hey!" The old ancestors did not speak, but they flew the two elders directly!

What makes Su Luo feel collapsed is that the direction of the second elders is the same as when the elders just came!

Susie’s heart mourned... Could it be that God is destined to die? Is she destined to be killed by the ink ancestors? Is it really a reincarnation of heaven?

Just when Su Luo mourned for himself, the elders condensed a light group, wrapped the two elders who were shot, and subtracted the tendency of him to fall. As a result, the two elders escaped.

Although he suffered a bit of injury, it is still unaffected by his life.

The two elders escaped from the robbery, sitting on the rubble pile, and patted the chest with a lingering heart. It’s a good risk, just a little bit yin and yang.

The two elders sighed and sighed there, but the Soviet Union fell into the wall with a depressed mood. Because the two elders had such a butt, they just sat down in her little bit of space and kept a little bit of sew.

Su Luo was very resentful in his heart, but in such an emergency, she could only swallow her voice, and she did not mention how much she was wronged.

The two elders escaped, but the ink ancestors apparently did not intend to let go of the people in the palace. I saw that he had a long arm and caught the enchanted Emperor.

In front of the old ancestors of the sacred peaks, the emperor of the Northern Mongolian did not even dare to come out.

"Hand over the people! Hand over!" Mo ancestors glared at the neck of Ming Emperor and frantically.

"Cough and cough -" Ming Emperor's face suddenly rose purple, as if the next moment will die.

The elders saw this, and the brows were tightly wrinkled. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is the emperor of the Northern Desert. If it is so drowned, when it is passed out, what is the face of the North Moslem Xuanzi family? How to stand on the mainland?

If the strength is not enough, it can only be taken. The elders stepped forward and coughed a clear scorpion: "Mr. Brother, who are you looking for? Let us tell you what to listen to? If you are in the North Desert, we will definitely help you find out."

The elders who stood tall in front of the disciples of the disciples were humbled to the dust in front of Mo's ancestors.

Ink old ancestors' cold eyes swept the elders and directly slammed the Emperor into the ground. Although the Ming Emperor suffered some trauma, it is good to save his life for the time being.

The ink ancestors snorted coldly: "Look for someone!"

"Who are you looking for?" The elders accompanied a charming smile. At this time, he also saw that the nerves of the ink ancestors seemed to have some problems.

Who are you looking for? The ink ancestors only felt that the brain was black and the mind was chaotic.

Ink ancestors dangling his head and snorted: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" The elders cried. You don't know who you are looking for, but you fly to the North Desert Palace to force someone to hand it over? This is too much to deceive too much!

But the elders only dared to sneak in the heart, and did not dare to say this.

The ink ancestors suddenly felt a blood rushing to their heads. His figure was shaking and his hands were holding his head. It seemed to be very painful.

The elders and the two elders looked at each other with a fascination and confusion. What happened to the Mo family ancestors? How is it like an unconscious madman? Is it mad?

When I thought of the four people who had gone into flames, the elders’ eyes flashed a little. It seems that the ink ancestor should be really ignorant, otherwise it will not make such a move.

But the next moment, the elder's brow was deeply wrinkled. Because the strength reaches the peak but loses the sensible ink ancestor, it is more horrible than ever!

The elders just thought of this, and there, the ink ancestor has gone mad!

I saw him suddenly flying in the air.

"Big brother, ink ancestors, is this going to go?" The two elders had a question.

The elder's face is very ugly: "I am afraid not necessarily."

Sure enough, the next moment, the crazy power of the ink ancestors is like a heavy rain, covering the entire North Desert Palace!

The peak of the holy step, how powerful is that pressure? What is the strength of the palm?

I saw him in the palm of his hand, his palms were like spider webs, splitting from the middle to the other side. The entire North Moss Palace suddenly fell into the ocean, and the beautiful palaces were broken in the blink of an eye, scattered into mud and dust, disappearing into the dust of history.

"God--" The Emperor looked at his palace and was destroyed. The whole person was as stiff as a sculpture, and he did not know what to do.

Just now he was still excited about the iron hoof of the Northern Desert Army trampling on the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was still grateful to Mo Laozu for destroying the city of sin for the Xuanyuan royal family, but it was only after this time that his palace... his palace was ruined hard. .

"The Great Elder..." The Emperor was crying and mourning, and the Emperor of the Northern Desert, a seven-foot man, was crying.

The fists of the elders on the side of the body were crisp and crisp, and their faces were hazy and distorted by the five senses. Obviously, they were already angry!

Su Luo’s heart secretly encouraged the elders to rush up and rush to fight with Mo’s ancestors.

But even with such a large humiliation, the elders tried their best to bear the sorrow and bite their teeth. "Don't be acquainted with madmen! The Wuyang Palace Mohist and the Xuanyuan Royal Family have always been alliances, so the loss of the palace, the Weiyang Palace will definitely pay for it!"

The Soviets heard it, but they secretly despised the great elder.

Weiyang Palace will pay? Lose a P! You are not able to wear the poor trousers of Weiyang Palace. It’s not good to rob the fire. Do you want them to pay? The idea of ​​a great elder is simply an idiotic dream.

The Ming Emperor obviously also knows that the elders are afraid of death in greed, but if the elders really rushed to the accident, it would be even more troublesome if the North Moss had no heads. Therefore, although the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was anxious and angry, he still silently accepted the statement of the elders.

The entire imperial city, the imperial city that could not see the sky, was almost flattened under the indiscriminate bombing of the ink ancestors.

Some people in the heart of the Soviet Union are worried about the flow of the Nangong. When she came out, he was retreating and not knowing if he would be disturbed by the old madman.

However, the fear of the Soviet Union is not over yet, and the battlefield has already been transferred!

A fist that contains the power of endless heaven and earth, ruining the earth and destroying the earth in the direction of the elders!

Obviously, the old ancestors of the ink smashed the entire palace and did not find the person he was looking for, so he vented his anger on the elders. He lost his senses and lost his senses. He didn't even know his son and brother. How could he know the great elder of the Xuanyuan family?

With this fierce fist, the temperature on the face of the elders instantly fell to the freezing point, and the whole body was like a cold ice, and it was angry!

Deceiving too much!

The elders finally got angry!

In an instant, his anger is like a hot magma, and it’s out of control!

The spiritual strength of the elders of the elders instantly condensed into a ball column, flying in the air and smashing toward the old ancestors!

It is unbearable and can't be tolerated. It is forced to this, and the elders who are in high positions all the year round can't help it!

it is good! Seeing the confrontation between the two sides, the Soviet Union slowly opened the rubble and waved his fists with excitement. The great elder is angry, and the anger is so good! The picture that the Soviet Union is most looking forward to has finally begun.

But let the spurt of blood!

In the face of the pillar of fire that led the leader of the peak, the old man of the ink did not even look at it, and seemed to be impatiently hand-picked--

It’s really just a handy one.

Then the fire pillar of the elders suddenly seemed to be blown away by the wind, and went to the side.

This is simply the insult of the red fruit! The elders are red and red, and their noses are smashed.

"Booming!" Countless pillars of fire are constantly being condensed by the elders, and they are shot wildly at the location where the ink ancestors are.

This time, the elders were crazy, and almost all of them were made.

However, the ink ancestor was only frowning, and the cold flashed a cold light. After that, he had a white ball in his palm!

"Ice world!" Ink ancestors roared, and the white ball of light suddenly slammed into the head of the elders.

At this time, the figure of the elders seemed to be fixed, standing still, and the white transparent light ball exploded instantly on top of his head!

Then, the whole elders are not good.

He seemed to have no resistance at all, so his hands kept in an attacking state. The whole person was wrapped in this frost and stood motionless like a sculpture.

This made Su Luo very reluctant to think of the scene where she was drifting in the sea when she was frozen by Li Aotian.

At this time, after the ice had sealed the elders, they did not stop, and they continued to spread rapidly around.

This unprecedented chill is from the center, like a spider web to spread in all directions, the speed is amazing.

There was a glimpse of the eyes in Su’s eyes.

Because she looked at the ground around it and quickly solidified and icy, and this coldness was extremely cold, and the cold sinking under the rubble was straight.

so cold!

Su Luo took a deep breath.

But because of this tone, the Soviet Union is in trouble!

The old-fashioned tiger eyes of the ink ancestors were originally directed at the two elders, and at this time they rushed toward the Soviet Union.

After the two elders escaped, they took a chance to take a shot to the hiding place of the Soviet Union.

The two elders know that there is a man hidden here!

Su Shen’s heart secretly complained, how was it discovered? Not waiting for the arrival of the two elders, the Soviet Union has already condensed its spiritual power, and screamed: "Transient!"

With this sound, there was a slight aura fluctuation around, and then the figure of Su Luo disappeared instantly!

Ink ancestors' eyes are instantly big!

Yes, this is the spiritual fluctuation! The delicious blood, the blood he is looking for in the mountains and waters!

Mo Laozu swallowed his mouth and stepped forward, only one step to the hiding place before the fall.

The old ancestors of the ink ancestors stretched out, and all the rubble was swept away, revealing an empty semicircular ground.

"No?" The dark black eyebrows of the ink ancestors wrinkled tightly, just now it was here.

The two elders are also dumbfounded at this time? Just now, he clearly has sensed people. How can he disappear after blinking? He had just made a move, thinking that the eavesdropping thief was hiding here.

Indifferent eyes of Mo Laozuo shot to the two elders.

The two elders panicked and stuttered: "This, no one here..."

Dare to say no one? Ink ancestors were angry, and when they reached for a slap, they took two elders’ heads and screamed: “Idiot!”

Then, the crazy ink ancestor disappeared into the sky, and he did not know which direction he was chasing.

The poor two elders, being photographed by such a slap, suddenly the whole person is not good.

Because, his head was actually taken into the neck by a slap!

"The second child!" The elders roared, but he was frozen in the whole body, standing still, not to mention the action, and even the sound could not be transmitted.

The look of the horror in the eyes of the Ming Emperor! The two elders who led the order were actually slap in the palm of their heads... The old madman was just too scary.

The two elders' stiff body slowly fell backwards and then slammed on the ground.

The poor two elders, because they said a word, then they died so unclearly.

"Damn! The Weiyang Palace is deceiving too much! The Xuanyuan family is not the same as you!" The sculptural elders clenched their hands, their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and they burned the raging fire of hatred.

And the culprit causing the hate dispute between the Weiyang Palace and the Xuanyuan family, where is it?

In fact, the current Soviet Union is also very difficult.

Just in a hurry, she did not have the choice, she could only choose to escape by teleport. However, Nangong Liuyun had warned the Soviet Union before the cloud, and for the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors, the spiritual fluctuations generated during the teleportation will make them feel clues.

However, there is no choice for the Soviet Union.

If she doesn't teleport, she is afraid that her ancestors will see her first sight, and she will open her mouth and drain her blood.

Sue did not know where she had teleported. She only knew that it was constantly teleporting and continually running.

Su Luo thought about the flow of the Nangong, so he did not stay around the emperor, but went all the way to the southwest and rushed fast.

The southwest is the entrance to the dark forest, and the Soviets know that after escaping into the dark forest, she will have a chance to survive.

However, Suo's teleportation skills are the first stage after all, just getting started, this only escapes but half an hour, it is a cup.

Because she was trying to teleport again, she found that the madman of ink ancestors stood in front of her at this moment!

Su Luo suddenly became a sculpture of the whole person.

Ink's ancestors were facing her, hands crossed behind them, black robes screaming against the wind, and the whole body exudes a powerful and condensed gas field.

Where is this a madman? This is clearly a powerful superior.

Su Luo quietly and then back a few steps.

But at this time, Mo Laozu turned around.

This face, contaminated with all kinds of dirt, greatly undermined the image of the superior who was just overbearing.

"I still want to escape?" In the mouth of the ink ancestors, a cold laughter was heard.

Su Luo sadly rushed to tears.

The old man who was enchanted by the fire did not even know his son and his brother, but he was able to recognize her at a glance. Su Luo thought about it and found that he did not have such a big charm. The biggest reason is that her blood is so delicious for the ink ancestors that he never forgets.

Sue’s face squeezed a stiff smile: “Hehehe, your old man is also here to sun the moon, really, hahaha.”

On the face of Mo's ancestors, there was a sly and crazy smile, and the voice was as cold as frost: "Come here!"

Come over to your sister. Su is in the heart of arrogance, labor and capital in the past is to take the initiative to send you blood, labor is so stupid?

Su Luo was thinking about distracting the attention of the ink ancestors, and then quickly escaping from the soles of the feet. However, before he could find a way to find out, he only saw the shadows in front of him, and the ink ancestor had already appeared in the Soviet Union. Within the distance.

The ink ancestors' movements were extremely fast, and they stretched out their hands and lifted the white wrists like a jade.

hateful! Su Luo scratched his hair.

How to do? Is she destined to be drained by the ink ancestors and then become a dry female body? This kind of death is too depressed?

Su Luoyuan thought that the old ancestors of the ink would directly **** the blood, but what she expected was that the eyes of the ink ancestors were staring straight at her snow-white wrist. The eyes were complicated and deep, and they were completely invisible. His thoughts.

At this point, the Soviet Union was quickly discussing with the small stones in his mind.

"Small stone, stone uncle, hurry up and think about it." Su Luo asked in a hurry. I didn't know who the small stone was sealed before it was in the stone, but the Soviet Union knew that it had definitely reached the peak before.

The little stone screamed twice: "This trouble is completely what you are looking for, don't help!"

"What do I ask for? I am not a bad luck to catch up?" Su is not convinced.

"Is it bad luck? You are so embarrassed to say? If you are not greedy, go to any imperial kitchen, just like your Nangong, stay in the palace, can this old man still find you? If it is not your curiosity, follow The main hall to eavesdrop on what military secrets will be found by the elders in the rubble? If you can't stand the cold, will it be discovered and chased by the dead old man?" The small stone is a blame.

Su Luo was depressed: "You can find the talent of the three princesses, are you not too happy?"

"That even if you are conquered by you, it is also used for you. I am happy with P." The small stone screamed twice.

"Then you can't help?"

"I can't help." The little stone brows tightly. "I am now at the most critical stage of the promotion. The fire elements in my body are still too small. How can I help you? What's more, even if I want to help, I can't do anything about it. The strength of the dead old man is much stronger than me."

Su Luo was speechless. The little stone is the biggest card in her hand. If even the small stone can't help her, then she really can only wait to die.

At this point, the ink ancestors still stared straight at the wrists of the Soviet Union, the eyes, gloomy and strange, looking at the sinking bones, if not pulled, she had long oil on the soles of her feet, running fast.

Suddenly, the ink ancestors moved.

He seemed to have seen the wrist, and then he bowed his head and bit it on the wrist of the Soviet Union.

A hateful old man! Su Luo scratched his hair. She can clearly feel that the blood in her body is passing fast. After the blood was blown to the Nangong Liuyun and the old man was sucked away from the blood, after the two big blood loss, the blood of the Soviet Union was not much. This time, the old man of the ink sucked a few more mouths, and the Soviet Union would directly dry up.

How to do?

Just as the Soviet Union fell into disrepair, suddenly, a small white hair group lingered in the Soviet space.

"Nine-tailed little fox?" The eyes of Su Luo were slightly bright, and they took out the little guy.

After the nine-tailed little fox came out, it flew directly to the shoulders of the Soviet Union.

The small group of it stood arrogantly and saw the blood of the ink ancestor sucking the Soviet Union. Its little face suddenly became angry! Although the breath of this old thing is very powerful, it makes it want to escape, but the nine-tailed little fox still stands bravely.

Ink Laozu can feel the hatred of the nine-tailed little fox hate, but for him, what is this kind of look? The nine-tailed little fox is a small cockroach in his eyes, and can't afford the big waves.

Therefore, the ink ancestor does not have a bird and a small fox, and continues to **** and suck.

At this time, the nine-tailed fox on the shoulders of the Soviet Union burned a powerful aura, and then it quickly bite into the ink ancestor!

The teeth of the nine-tailed fox are as sharp as a blade, but it does not bite into the defense of the ink ancestor.

In the mouth of the old ancestors, the sneer sneered, cold and heavy: "The little things that are not self-sufficient, go to hell!"

After that, he took a glimpse of it and took out the nine-tailed little fox!

But when he smashed the nine-tailed fox, things suddenly changed dramatically.

Su Luo actually saw that the dirty head of the ink ancestors had slowly grown two goat horns...

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