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Nangong Liuyun was alive and hard to resist the violent breath of this scorpion to his chest.

Just as the ink ancestors were horrified, the Akasaka sword suddenly appeared in his hand!

The red skull sword is strange!

Because the distance is too close, almost close to the melee, so the ink ancestors did not react at all.


A soft bang, Akasaka sword inserted from the heart of the chest of the ink ancestors, force out the back!

Cultivation to the peak of the holy step, other swords for the ink ancestors, there is no lethality, only the red scorpion sword after drinking blood, only in the hands of the Nangong Liuyun, condensed the power of the whole body You can hurt him by scolding the sword.

The old ancestors bowed their heads in disarray, and looked at the red scorpion sword that had only the left stalk in the chest, and it was somewhat stunned and puzzled.

Blood, drops dripping.

Rolled off the ground from midair.

Mo Laozu opened his mouth, but he could not say anything.

Soon, he returned!

He is assassinated!

The old man of Mo Laozu is crazy!

The reaction of the ink ancestors is slow, but it is between lightning!

After returning to him, the whole person showed the color of fury, and he made a heavy punch to the Nangong!

Nangong Liuyun used all the power to kill the old ancestors in the Akasaka sword. There is no power defense. In fact, just as he stabbed the Akasaka sword into the chest of the ink ancestors, his body could not bear it and fell directly to the ground.

However, after the ink ancestors reacted, they directly rushed to Nangong.

How can the Nangong Liuyun, without the slightest defense of the spirit, bear this blow?

Before that, he had already endured the ruthlessness of the ancestors of the ink ancestors. Now there is no spiritual support, and the body will be directly bombarded into pieces.

At this critical moment, the Soviet Union has already teleported.

She looked at the falling shadow of Nangong Liuyun, and the whole person was going crazy!

She had no time to think about it, and directly grabbed the small stones in the space, and smashed the crazy power of the old ancestors.

Nangong Liuyun is a full blow, but isn’t the ink ancestor?

This handful of power contains all the power that the old ancestors have in their lifetime. The wind of the palm of the hand is shaken for nine days, as if the clouds of the sky have been shattered.

With such strength, only the abnormality of small stones can be dealt with.

Just now, the little stone burst into the mind of Su’s mind and told her to throw it out, so it should be somewhat certain. When Su Luo remembered that Xiao Shi said that it was practicing at a retreat, it has been so long since its cultivation should be completed.

At this point, the small stone collided with the huge palm of the hand.

For a time, the surrounding air made a violent explosion.

What makes Su Luo happy is that the small stone can block this palm hard, and not only that, but he also flies to the sky and slams into the body of the ink ancestor!


A loud scream, the small stone slammed into the deep eyebrows of the ink ancestors.

The body of the ink ancestors can be called the body of King Kong, but the small stone can fly into his eyebrows, which is greatly out of the unexpected.

All of this happens between the electric and the flint.

At this time, the Soviet Union had no time to control why the small stone would rush into the body of the ink ancestor, and why the stone was gone. She is now most concerned about the Nangong Liuyun.

At this time, the Nangong flow cloud fell straight down, and the Soviet Union leaped forward and steadily brought Nangong Liuyun to the arms.


The publisher said that the network of "evil king chasing wife" was too serious to be rejected. Hey, this is really a sad story. Come and come, let's brainstorm to help think about the title of the book~~ If it is adopted, it will be sent Sample book. Require one or four words; Second, the title of the book has an artistic conception, such as: night snow.

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