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He suddenly bounced off the bed and gave off a powerful murderous body!

The small stone sitting on the ground meditating inexplicably looked at the Nangong Liuyun, and the eyes closed tightly, as if nothing had happened.

Su Luo immediately understood the truth of the matter, she quickly explained to the Nangong Liuyun that night.

After hearing that the ink ancestor had been completely killed by him, and the body was taken away by the small stone, the Nangong Liuyun only felt relieved.

"Who is the small stone?" Nangong Liuyun asked inexplicably.

Therefore, Su Luo will once again find a small stone in the secret room, and later in the flame cave, the small stone was activated and awakened again.

"What, the little stone was found in the secret room?" Beichen Ying exclaimed incredulously.

As soon as he talked about this matter, he would mourn his chest. When the first line of people entered the secret room, everyone was locked up after touching the organ. Only Nangong Liuyun and Sulu were free to choose countless secrets. From then on, Beichen Ying decided that Sulu had amazing luck. Determined to keep up with her pace. But I did not expect that in the secret room, the Soviet Union was not only the secret, but also the super magical small stone.

The small stone heard everyone talking about it, and the cold and heavy screamed, and a huge powerful force suddenly spread.

Suddenly, the whole log cabin creaked and the ground swayed as if it were swinging.

Bei Chenying and others suddenly looked like dishes, and looked down with respect and respect. However, Su Luo did not sigh with a sigh of relief: "You will only release the pressure, and the real strength is not at the leading level."

"It's better than you anyway." The little stone didn't sneer at the face.

"What? Not yet at the commanding level?" Beichen Ying exclaimed, the pressure that the small stone released just now, compared with his grandfather, let the elders bow their proud heads, but its true strength turned out to be Yes……

"Do you have any opinions?" The small stone's cold eyes slammed into the North Chenying.

Bei Chenying spit out his tongue and suddenly had no opinion. However, my heart is secretly happy. If the elders know that they are being held up, I am afraid that they will be so angry that they can’t wait for self-discipline. It’s really fun to think about it.

Nangong’s pale face flashed a hint of dignity.

"The strength of the ink ancestor has never been done to the elders, and he may not doubt it in his heart." Nangong Liuyun leaned on the mattress and said weakly.

"That, what can I do?" Beichen Ying suddenly recovered from the schadenfreude. If the elders want to understand and return, then how many of them are waiting?

"Now go now." Nangong Liuyun closed his eyes and closed his eyes.

For the decision of Nangong Liuyun, Xiaoshi is very much in favor: "This is a good statement." If the elders return, he can't stop.

Su Luo saw their opinions. Although they were worried about the injury of Nangong Liuyun, they had to agree.

In the middle of the wave, the dragon scale horse raised his horseshoe and ran away quickly.

I don't know how long the people ran. Suddenly, there was an unusual fluctuation in the air.

"Wait." Su Luo stopped the dragon scale horse.

"There is something strange in the woods on the right." Bei Chenying looked at the Soviet Union and said, "You are in the car, I ran for a look."

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