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The Wuyanggong Mojia masters turned their backs and things became very exciting.

The Mojia master stood proudly in front of Mo's ancestors and handed over to the three masters: "Three brothers, I am really embarrassed. This girl is already a member of my Weiyang Palace, and I am pleased and convenient."

Although the words of the Mohist are polite, they cannot be rejected.

The three homeowners face each other, and all of them frown, which is obviously very unpleasant.

Su Luo secretly snickered at this time. When the little stone took the body of the ink ancestor, she thought of this scene today, but she did not expect it to happen in the end.

Anyway, the Mohist and the three homeowners are his enemies. The Mohist family is in front of her and confronts them. This is a great force for her. If they can beat both, it would be better.

Li Xiaoyuan's frowning: "Ink, how do you do this, is it not too good?"

Luo Qiu Ming also snorted uncomfortably: "Is this young man wanting to be swallowed?"

The Xuanyuan elders looked at the ink ancestors and their looks were unknown. Before the three princesses had secretly passed on to him, telling him that the ink ancestor had no flaws. Now that I can't see the existence of the three princesses, the Xuanyuan elders took it for granted that the three princesses were secretly disposed of after being discovered.

I remembered that the old ancestors had destroyed the Northern Desert Palace and the 20-mile military camp. The elders were shocked and thought about it. "Since the ink ancestors fancy, what else is there to say?"

After saying this, the elders nodded to the other two owners, then turned and left, and instantly disappeared.

Li Xiaoyuan and Luo Qiuming looked at each other and saw helplessness and compromise in each other's eyes. Now their ancestors are not there. If the ink ancestors are in power, no one can stop it.

Li Yuyuan’s sinister eyes swept toward the Soviet Union, and he laughed and said: “You can try to enjoy this last time!”

Anyway, the ink ancestors did not really save her, she could not escape.

Luo Qiu Ming hated the Soviet Union with hatred, and sneered a few sneers: "Smelly girl, if we kill you, we can give you a happy, now, huh, huh."

After the sneer was over, the two owners quickly left with their people.

Ink’s ancestors showed a certain attitude, they did not have the strength to compete with the ink ancestors, apart from compromise, what else?

"You are also going away." Mo ancestors impatiently stunned the master of the palace of the Weiyang Palace. "The Weiyang Palace chickens fly and jump, you actually have the leisure to join in this fun!"

Mo Laozu is obviously not satisfied with the performance of the ink palace master.

In the heart of the ink palace, he panicked and quickly lost his smile: "The father said that the son will leave the crowd!"

Therefore, the ink palace owner had no time to think about it, and the soles of the feet ran fast.

After watching them leave, Sue’s mouth smirked with a smug smile: “Hey, little stone, you’re really good, this ink ancestor is more and more like it.”

The little stone held the chin proudly: "Don't compare me to you, stupid."

Stupid? Susie pointed his nose incredulously: "You said I am a fool?"

"That's not the case? How can a chicken flying dog that is being chased every day?" The little stone poked the facts mercilessly.

Su Luo hated and took a deep breath: "Count you!"

"Uh huh." The small stone clasped his chest with his hands and looked up at the sky.

"Get on the bus." Nangong Liuyun's cold voice came from the carriage. A touch of light, but with a touch of warmth.

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