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The Queen naturally does not believe it, because such a rapid upgrade speed, even the Nangong Liuyun can not do, let alone the Su of the name of waste materials?

"I heard that they have been back for a few days. Why haven’t they come to see your majesty?" The Queen frowned. "How powerful is the power of His Royal Highness, but after all, it is your son."

On this eyedrop...

On the spot, King Jing replied: "What do you know about women and women? Don't talk nonsense! He must be practicing, otherwise how can he not enter the palace?"

Having said that, the factors of suspicion have long been buried unconsciously, and as for whether it will take root, it will be later.

On the second day, Jingdi left and waited for the right, but still did not wait until the Nangong stream.

The third day is also true.

On the fourth day... The Queen and the Prince were surrounded by the violent Jingdi, and they seemed to have eye drops.

King Jing angered a table, and screamed: "Come to, go to Nanshan to scream the Nangong Liuyun and Sulu!"

Does the tiger really think that he is a sick cat? Come back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty for so long, don't say please ask Ann, even the greetings are not playing, he Nangong Liu Yun thought that the Emperor is an inn? Is there a father in his eyes? Is it strong, can anyone not look at it? Jingdi really wants to get more and more angry.


On this day, after the routine cultivation of the Soviet Union, he laid a leisurely lay on the turf to rest.

Her consciousness inadvertently entered the space and saw everything in the space, she felt a little annoyed.

Some time ago, because I had been chased and killed, I didn’t have a good space, so it looked very messy. After all, she was robbing the treasure house of Weiyang Palace. Can things not be messy?

As soon as there is time, Su Luo will start to sort out the things in the space and put them in different categories.

In fact, she does not need to work hard. She just sat in the same place, her eyes closed, and I used consciousness to control these treasures, and then let them fly to where they were going. This became.

Unconsciously, things have been sorted out. Looking at the neat and neat look in front of the eyes, the corner of the corner of the mouth evoked a satisfying smile. Suddenly, her smile was stiff at the corner of her mouth.

She remembered that when she was in the Weiyang Palace, she took several swords. Although the swords did not have the swordsmanship like the Akasaka sword and the Chengying sword, they were also the swords that were hard to find. Su Luo wanted to divide these swords to Bei Chenying, but when she finished, she did not seem to see the swords.

Is she wrong? Su Luo closed his eyes and consciousness began to extend throughout the space.

But she was searched all over the inside and outside of the space, but there was still no trace.


Suoyan eyes suddenly brightened.

Su Luo bent over and smashed a jade in the draft.

This white jade is like water, warm and transparent. When it is in the hand, it gives people a sense of comfort like a spring breeze. Even she feels that her breath has changed. This jade, jade is excellent, but this is not the cause of the attention of the Soviet Union.

Through this jade, one thing that Su Luo remembered.

When she was in the Treasure Pavilion on the same day, she saw a ruined, bleak sword, but at the time, Xiaoshenlong was very fond of this sword.

At that time, Su Luo was puzzled, but he couldn’t think too much. He only stuffed it into the space and then was chased all the way. She completely forgot about it. Now that I saw this jade, she remembered it.

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