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"It's time to meet." Nangong Liuyun's hand held Su's hand and said to her, "Go with me."

"You can go with you, but the play can be played from now on." Su Luo hangs this dragon-like jade that can cover the breath, and she mobilizes the aura to change the breath. Soon, she shows it all over the body. Many of the weaker breaths, the master knows at a glance, this is only five steps.

"You." Nangong Liuyun saw the fall and played, but helplessly smiled and pinched her nose.

"Hey, I want to be embarrassed, your father sees my strength, will not stop our kinship." Su fell on his chin, his eyes flashed a few calculations.

It may have been from the North Desert to the Imperial City all the way to the battle, so some people saw her true eighth-order strength, and as a result, this incident came to the emperor. Su Li has always liked to bury her own cards, and the key moments rushed out, but now that her strength is seen by all, this is not what she hopes to happen.

Therefore, when I learned that this dragon jade can cover up the true strength, and can change my breath at will, the Soviet Union is naturally very happy. However, this dragon jade is not omnipotent. For example, Su Luo is now an eighth-order, but she can't imitate the strength of the ninth order. In other words, it can only be weak, not strong.

Nanshan to the emperor said that it is not far away, with the dragon's footsteps, the time of a fragrant incense will arrive.

Inside the royal study.

Jingdi carried his hands and walked around in the luxuriously decorated royal study room. The look was quite calm.

After seeing the rebellious, how can you tell him about the fall? With his so-so-shouldered temper... Hey, he is so short-guarded, why not protect his old man? Jingdi slaps his head in a depressed mood.

Just then, two steady footsteps came from outside the door.

Jingdi was very fast, and the flight generally went to the long table.

Nangong Liuyun pushed the door and then walked in with the help of the Soviet Union.

At this time, the long table in front of Jingdi was covered with a layer of rice paper. His right hand was pen-holding, standing calmly, and the powerful writings of the pens emerged.

Nangong Liuyun Trail found the chair himself, sat down with the Soviet Union, and then gave her the diligent tea.

Jingdi originally had a shelf and a face that was serious, but looking at the two people who had no one to drink tea and eat a little eyebrows and no one to fight, he suddenly came out from it. How can he say that he is an elder, how can he enter the house and not greet the elders to eat?

Jing Di screamed and dropped the brush.

The brush was thrown on the rice paper, and suddenly a word was destroyed.

With the crisp sound coming, the Nangong Liuyun was slowly elevating, and he calmly swept Jingdi.

Jing Di screamed at him: "I finally know that I am back?"

The Nangong stream is like a smile: "The father told us to come over, but is there something to tell?"

"Nothing, are you going to leave?" Jingdi listened to him, and the anger that he managed to restrain was suddenly coming in like a flood.

"It's not." Nangong Liuyun lost a piece of jujube cake in the import, and said slowly, "If you are fine, I have something to do here."

Jingdi knows that it can be troublesome to be hung in the mouth of Nangong Liuyun. So he quickly waved his hand. "It’s natural to ask you to come over." He said, he slammed his eyes.

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