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Jingdi glanced at him: "Have you played the second child?"

"How is it possible!" The second child does not say a finger, a hair can kill him! The prince shook his head desperately.

Emperor Jingdi screamed: "You can't beat it, so you can get rid of it."

Jingdi is really completely unable to take Nangong Liuyun. Others, you can also take filial piety to force your son, but Jingdi began to lose money, if he dared to take the filial piety to force the Nangong to flow clouds, I am afraid that the other direct birds will not bird him, it is self-deprecating.

Prince Edward felt eager to cry without tears.

"Don't go to the second child, otherwise you can't keep you!" Jingdi screamed and turned his eyes from the prince to the queen.

At this time, the Queen’s eyes were half-squatting, and the scorpion was dead and desperate. Seeing that the son of the former rival has grown to this point, what else can the Queen have in addition to despair? Right? This thought she can't even think about it now.

Jingdi looked at their backs and gradually sighed. Su Shi’s business, he is really powerless... I don’t know how to tell the ancestors.

Jingdi sighed and sighed, and in the evening, Su Laozu went into the palace again.

"Sue Laozi, it is really unbearable." Jingdi's look was a bit stunned, sighing, "The second child is determined to protect the girl, you still give up."

Originally, Emperor Jing can be very hard, because his son is very powerful now, but he also knows that Nangong Liuyun is not waiting for him, and he does not want him to be a father.

The old man of Su said with a sigh of relief: "His Royal Highness... Tenth?"

Jingdi’s heart nodded and nodded: “It’s really ten steps, like a fake replacement.”

Sue’s father’s eyes flashed a madness! I think that in order to advance, he has spent all his efforts for many years. He thought that it would be a blockbuster after the customs clearance. However, the existence of Nangong Liuyun shattered his self-respect.

Because when he retired, Nangong Liuyun was not seven or eight years old, but in a blink of an eye, although he was promoted to the eighth order, but Nangong Liuyun!

It’s really more people than people. Su Laozi pressed the jealousy in his heart and sipped his mouthful of tea: "Is it still eight steps?"

"There is no such thing. The rumor is mixed with too much water." Jingdi smiled coldly. "I don't know how it happened. It is clearly the strength of the fifth-order, but it is rumored to be an eighth-order!"

"The fifth order?" Su Laozu's eyes are dark and unpredictable.

"There are only five steps. If you don't believe it, Su's father can verify it." Jingdi smiled lightly. However, there is a flow of Nangong, and whether the old man can see the Soviet Union, this is an unknown number.

"After a half-month, the ranking of the Dragons will start, and you will be sure that those will come over?" Su said that half of the old man stayed half.

Jingdi naturally understood the meaning of his words.

In the rankings of the Dragons, there is one general referee and four deputy referees each time. The general referee's candidate has not been fixed for a long time. This year, in the turn of the round, it is the turn of Master Yun Yun to be the referee.

But only half a month before the start of the game, Master Yun Yun did not bring a word. When I think of Master Yun Yun, Jing Di suddenly has a bright eye!

He is a fool! Su Luo is the close disciple of Rong Yun’s master. He has such a good opportunity not to use it. Instead, he spends his resources and resources to find it.

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