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Lonely guest Li Qiuran, standing quietly under the tree.

He was covered in black, his head was wearing a bamboo pole, and his hat was wide and wide, covering his entire face, making people unable to see his appearance.

But the smothering of his body, so that within 10 meters of his body, the green grass all withered.

After Su came out, he did not speak, only looked at him faintly.

"You are the Soviet Union?" Li Qiuran's voice is like him, like a glacier stacked for thousands of years, revealing a cold bone.

"Yes." Su Luo admitted without hesitation.

"Since you admit it, then take a trip with me." The blood is still hot, and the hot blood buyer is ten times more expensive.

Li Qiuran’s voice is cold, but there is a hint in his heart. Because he can sense the looming strong atmosphere in the carriage.

"Walk with you? I am afraid that some people will be jealous." Su Luo's hands and arms, smiles brightly, and then match the beautiful and unparalleled face, the sun, the beauty of this moment is simply suffocating.

Li Qiuyan paused, and the voice was still cold: "Grandnival King, can you dare to come out?"

In the carriage, it is silent.

Nangong Liuyun’s injury is not good, and the Soviet Union will let him come out to fight? What's more, Nangong Liuyun is the last card in the battle.

Su Luozui’s mouth sneaked a sneer: "Li Qiuran, can you sign up for this Dragon List?"

Li Qiuran indifference and cold eyes swept the Soviet Union. As a killer in the dark, he never likes to talk.

"So, are you signing up?" Su Luo smiled.

"Hey." Li Qiuran snorted and said nothing.

"If you get rid of you, then the Dragon List participants should thank me more, you say yes?" Su Luo looked at him with a smile.

"Remove me?" Li Qiuran finally spoke, but the tone of his speech seemed to be like the Arabian Nights.

"How many people you have killed in these years have a thousand together, killing you for granted." Su Luo smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"Want to kill me? Hahaha--" Li Qiuran was unbelievable first, then he laughed.

But his laughter is still not finished, but he feels a little different.

The collapse in front is gone.

Instead, it is an old man.

An old man who has to be white, and exudes a strong and powerful atmosphere.

Li Qiuyan’s mouth was like being stuffed with a big egg, and he was stagnant in an instant.

This person is not someone else, it is a small stone covered in ink ancestral clothes. In fact, this battle is what the little stone asked for.

Since he entered the body of the ink ancestors, after several times of running-in, he finally adapted to the rhythm of the body, and everything else was almost the same, but he still could not grasp the combat power.

However, the strength of the ink ancestor is too strong, he can not find people to test, this is not, just this silly Li Qiuran got together, so, can not let go.

Feeling the strong murderousness in front, Li Qiuran instantly entered the state of alert.

Li Qiuran is best known for his sword in the rivers and lakes.

His sword is fast.

Jianghu people rumored that when Li Qiuran murdered, a sword passed, waiting for others to go far, the murdered people felt pain... How fast is this speed? Probably only the people who have been killed know it.

Now, Li Qiuran's sword is the same as before, and it quickly hits the ink ancestor.

Li Qiuran did not recognize that the person in front of him was the ancestor of Weiyang Palace, but he felt the strength of the other party, so the first move did not have temptation at all, and directly used 10% of the force!

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