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On the occasion of Li Aochen and Xiao Shenlong fighting, Su Luo quietly touched Li Aochen behind him, and cut his neck to him!

This knife is extremely sharp.

On the original knife wound, there was another red mark!

Everyone in the audience looked at the eyes and fell out.

This is incredible!

Su Lu actually was able to touch Li Aochen again and again, touching his neck again and again!

If it is not the strong defense ability of the tenth-order strong instinct, Li Aochen has already died twice, is there any?

But the problem is!

Su Luo actually has such strength!

At this point, Li Ao was so angry that he wowed.

Although the defense is strong, the injury on his neck is not completely innocent.

The wet blood rushed out and soaked the entire chest position, but fortunately there was no life worry, but even so, it scared Li Aochen a cold sweat.

Li Aochen, while avoiding the harassment of the two spiritual pets, while avoiding the attack of the Soviet Union, at the same time, he also found that his speed has dropped a lot!

Touching the strange look of the opposite side of the Soviet Union, Li Aochen shook his heart, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition.

Quietly, Su Luo touched him behind him.

"I surrender!"

Just before the fall of the Soviet Union, Li Aochen screamed!

Su Luo’s heart could not help but sneak.

Just this knife, she has the help of small stones, and has the ability to directly break Li Aochen's defense.

A knife goes down, Li Aochen will definitely shut up his mouth forever, but his perception is really sensitive, and it is really pulling the lower face, actually in front of so many people, the tenth-order powerhouse actually confessed to her.

With the sound of Li Aochen's admittance, the audience was silent.

Everyone's meditation breathlessly looked at the battle platform inconspicuously.

Li Aochen lost.

Li Aochen personally admitted the loss.

Li Aochen personally admitted to the Soviet Union.

The idea, hovering in everyone's head, is like a sunny day, and they are all stunned.

After a long while, the talents returned.

"Li Aochen actually lost? That Laozi's money!"

"Damn Li Aochen, how did he lose!"

"Sue is so powerful, with the strength of the ninth order, defeated the tenth-order powerhouse!"

"Not by her spiritual pet!"

"The spiritual pet is also part of her strength. Whoever has the strength will also accept it."

"That is, the battle platform has not banned the pets from participating in the battle."

"Sue is really good luck, and there are two powerful spiritual pets."

"There is still a plant pet."

There was a lot of discussion among the audience.

On the VIP table, Yao Chi Li Jia.

At this time, Li Xiaoyuan’s face can be described as black and ink. His eyes are covered with scarlet blood, and he almost eats people!

hateful! Li Yanyuan squeezed his fist tightly, and his nails were embedded in the meat, but he was completely unaware.

Li Aochen actually lost... lost... lost...

Li Xiaoyuan is simply unimaginable. He has always been optimistic that Li Aochen will lose.

Who is not good to lose, but loses to the Soviet Union!

At this time, Li Weiyuan’s intestines in his heart were green.

When he heard the name of the stinking head of Su Luo, she was only five steps, the same as the ants, and she could crush her by stretching her fingers, but how long? However, for more than two years, the next generation of Yao Chi’s Li family was defeated in her hands.

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