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Li Yaoyao was shocked.

"Master brother..." Li Yaoyao’s voice trembled with excitement.

This is the first time that the master has clearly stated that he wants to help her kill the Soviet Union. How can Li Yaoyao not be excited?

Li Yaoyao had hoped for many people, but one of them disappointed her. Even Li Aochen made her disappointed.

But she knows that if the master goes out, the Soviet Union will definitely die without a place of burial!

Because Li Yaoyao knows that even Nangong Liuyun is not an opponent of the master.

It is as simple as a master to kill an ant.

"But it is not now." The oriental mysterious eyes looked at the pair of monks not far away, and the corner of the mouth smirked a strange smile.

Li Yaoyao nodded: "Because Master Yun Yun is here."

"Yeah." Dongfang Xuan’s voice was slightly tilted, and his slender fingers hooked Li Yaoyao’s pretty nose. “Do you want her to die now?”

Li Yaoyao firmly nodded: "I can’t wait for her to die immediately!"

"This is why..." The oriental mysterious light is as deep as an ancient well, and it is unpredictable. "It can be considered."

“Really?” Li Yaoyao opened his eyes in surprise.

"Since it is what our family Yaoyao hopes, naturally we must fully satisfy it." Oriental Xuan pet squeezed her nose. "Laughter, the master likes Yaoyao most."

Li Yaoyao suddenly burst into a summery smile.

not far away.

The eyes of Su Luo looked toward Li Yaoyao and frowned slightly.

"Li Yaoyao is really not ordinary." Su Luo sighed again and again, "Situ Tuo's bones are not cold, and then hooked up on the oriental Xuan."

The eyes of Nangong Liuyun wrinkled slightly.

Looking at the figure of Dongfang Xuan, he has a very unpredictable feeling.

"Li Yaoyao does not love you to die to live? Oriental Xuan is not mindful?" Su Luo touched his chin and fell into thinking.

Nangong Liuyun patted her head: "Don't think about it, let's go."

Nangong Liuyun took the Soviets and went to the laymen.

At this time, in the lively group, the people automatically gave up enough roads to accommodate the two people and let them leave.

Su Luo remembered the original, remembered two years ago, also in this battle station.

Her reputation at that time was not obvious.

The same is to win the opponent, also led by Nangong Liuyun. But at that time, everyone's eyes on her, more contempt and contempt.

But now, the eyes of the Soviets swept over their faces. The happy expression, the look of worship, is enough to prove that they have completely changed her.

For more than two years, Sue finally took off the label of the scrap that was attached to her head.

Now she is already a ninth-order, and the ten-order Li Aochen personally admits to her.

Looking at the entire Eastern Jin Dynasty, how many other people are her opponents? Even on the entire continent, she can go sideways.

Yao Chi Li Jia pursued her again and again in the same year, if she dared not come over and provoke her now... Su Luo’s heart screamed.

"We go back directly to the gambling house!" Beichen Yingxing rushed to himself after the excitement.

Zi Yan looked excited behind him.

"How? How much won this time?" Su Luo asked with a smile.

Fortunately, she went out in time, otherwise the 300,000 spar that had been pressed before was completely ruined.

"This number!" Beichen Shadow draws a number from the Soviet Union, and directly shakes the heart of the Soviet Union.

"How can there be so much?" Su is unbelievable.

"In addition to our own 300,000 spar, we have to accept other people's bets. Then, of course, most people are not optimistic about you, hey, isn't this cheaper for our gambling?" Beichen Ying laughs very much. proud.

——The 16th is already finished~~Good night

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