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"What are you doing, then you can't get into the second place with your kid." Beichen's father took the table straight.

"Is your family going in?" Luo's father retorted.

He only lost his grandson and granddaughter not long ago. The only one who has lost his life, but whoever won his last championship, even the second strongest, can't get into it. It is really throwing his old face.

Master Beichen touched a few sparse goats on his chin. He was not proud of saying: "My kid is not able to enter the second strong, but it is not bad to enter the top seven. Anyway, it is still young."

Three years old, and hit the Luo family father again. His family's Luo Yuming is almost 30 years old, can come to participate in this dragon list competition, it is also dragging the month of the birth of small, only barely qualified.

"Hey!" Luo Laozi angered his face.

Beichen’s father is in a good mood.

Master Rong Yun sat in the first place, seemingly watching the battle on the stage. His dark and deep eyes were half-baked, and no one knew the thoughts in his heart.

He sat down but seemed to be free for nine days, overlooking the world.

On the stage, the battle is still going on.

Road shadows appear one after another.

Although the speed of Nangong Liuyun was very fast, the fine sweat of his forehead continued to emerge, and his face became paler and paler. Although he seemed to be unaffected by his lips, he still had a discount on his actions.

At this time, the Oriental Xuan Yue chased closer.

The speed of Dongfang Xuan is terrible. After a while, Nangong Liuyun appeared within his combat range.

Looking at the figure that flashed quickly in front, the eyes of the East Xuan sang a sneer.

"Nan Gong Liu Yun, go to hell!" Dong Xuan lifted the sword to kill, when the air squat!

"call out!"

The oriental Xuan calculation is accurate, and the sword is from the top of the Nangong River.

If you are shackled, then the body of Nangong Liuyun will be split in half from the middle to the sides.

At this point, everyone's heart is tightly mentioned.

"Is the King of the King being smashed? Is it being smashed?"

"His Royal Highness seems to have been killed!"

"Second Olympics, the oriental mystery of a thousand knives!"

The audience was boiling.

However, there was a deep sword mark on the countertop, but there was no trace of blood. The figure of Nangong Liuyun could not be found in the four.

Countless spectators’ eyes were round and round, trying to find traces of Nangong’s flowing clouds, but they were disappointed, and then excited again!

Su Luo also slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle is really terrible. Su Lin feels that he is so shocked that he will definitely live for a few years.

"This speed is too fast."

"That is, my Master's Master is like them, just like the little one who just walked."

"A lot of afterimages, a thrilling game, even if I lose a bet, I can watch a game and it is worth it!"

"Right, who did you win?"

"Hey, get inside information, this oriental Xuan is the master of the Golden King, has been promoted to the tenth-order peak, sorry, can only abandon the Golden King."

"Yeah, right, I heard that the Purgatory City owner is more important to the East Xuan, it shows that his talent strength will be better, the profit is greater, although I also like the Royal Highness, but still bought ... oh."

"I also bought Dongfang Xuan, I heard that His Royal Highness has fallen ill."

The audience in the audience talked a lot, and they only learned that most of the people bought the Oriental Xuan win.

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