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The power of such a thrilling power is almost impossible to hide!


"Don't!" Su Luo exclaimed.

She suddenly remembered a long time ago.

She was chased by Li Aozhen, and there was no way to go to heaven. Just at the crucial moment when he was about to kill her, Master appeared.

Master's way of playing is very special.

He waved his hand, and the space around him solidified. Even Li Ao, who attacked her, was motionless, as if he had been stuck in acupuncture points.

At this moment, Su Luo hopes that time will be fixed.

Nangong Liu Yunjun's face is chilly, firm and cold, and full of explosive power.

Will it stop?

At this time, not only the collapse, but all people have such questions and concerns.

Because such power is not something that humans can block.

Suddenly, the Nangong stream cloud suddenly changed and became pale. His legs standing on the ground could not hold back and shivered slightly.

God! The eyes of the Soviet Union were instantly red.

The leg of the Nangong Liuyun was attacked again.

His leg disease is divided into three stages, and the pain index increases in layers.

Originally, it would not rise to the third stage so quickly, but because of the battle with the Oriental Xuan, the blood surged, so, in just one hour, the pain index has risen to the highest.

"Not good! The second child can't stand this trick!" Bei Chenying's look is unprecedentedly dignified and worried.

"What to do! What to do! Dongfang Xuan is just thinking that the master is dead! He has no intention of holding hands at all!" Zi Yan was so anxious to cry.

"Put away, admit defeat, admit defeat..." Su Luo silently recited in his heart.

She doesn't care about the number one, she just wants him to be with her safely, and she wanders around the world, hand in hand to the old...

Although the pain is extremely extreme, but Nangong Liuyun Jianmei star is not seen in the half-line pain, at this time his body is full of dignity and majesty.

"Go to hell!" The figure of Oriental Xuan is getting closer and closer, getting closer!

Suddenly, the eyes of Nangong Liuyun flashed a strange joy.

"嗡-" A strong spiritual power floated out of the Nangong Liuyun, showing a thick mist, wrapped in the Nangong Liuyun, wrapped into a braid.

The Nangong Liuyun is in full view, sitting cross-legged and sitting close together, and is caught in the epiphany.

"Hey!" The oriental Xuan face suddenly changed, but the sword in his hand was unable to hold it at this time, and the sword was smashed from the top of the Nangong River.

However, when the lore sword is still one inch away from the Nangong stream,

Suddenly, the whole world seems to be frozen at this moment.

The oriental Xuan gnashed his teeth and condensed the spiritual power of the whole body, all of which were injected into the lore.

One inch, only one inch, he can kill the Nangong stream.

However, it is the distance of this inch, but he can't move forward, and not only can't kill the sword, even his own, it seems to be frozen by the ice, and no movement can move.

How come... Oriental Xuan has a very bad feeling.

"How did you sit down under the Crown Prince?"

"Don't he be afraid... Hey, how can the oriental Xuan sword not stab?"

"It seems that even Dongfang Xuan itself has been frozen, and it can't move at all."

"What the **** is going on? Is there a master to help?"

Under the stage, countless people talked about it, and most people did not know what happened.

But Sue knows!

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