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Su Luo helped the Nangong to flow down.

Bei Chen Ying and Zi Yan ran over cheerfully, and the blue and dark nights were also surrounded.

"Second second, you are great!" Bei Chenying slaps the shoulder of Nangong Liuyun.

Who knows, Nangong Liuyun's body is short and short, if it is not Su Luo, it must be sitting directly on the ground.

"This..." Bei Chenying looked at his palm, his eyes sparkling with inconceivable doubts.

When did he become a strong god? He is able to defend the body like Nangong...

Su Luo glared at Beichen Ying, and lowered his voice to warn: "Go back and settle with you."

Then Su Luo recruited the dragon scale horse, and Nangong Liuyun both entered the carriage and left.

The night slaps the shoulders of Bei Chenying comfortably: "Your boy is finished."

Bei Chenying was crying and sullen: "The second child looks completely normal, I will know where..." He will know that his leg is not good at all! Does he look really different from healthy?

"You are a fool!" Zi Yan looked at the North Chen Ying, and followed the blue and dark night, and quickly went back.

"Hey, you wait for me, wait for me~~" Beichen Ying was so hard to go back and found that everyone left only a little black spot, and rushed to run up.

In the carriage.

After the Nangong Liuyun entered, the tight body relaxed.

Su Luo quickly took out Tianling Water and gave him a drink.

“Is it comfortable?” The dark and clear eyes of the Soviet Union are full of concern.

"Much better, don't worry." Nangong Liuyun smiled like the sunshine.

"There are two of us here, don't hold it hard." The little white hand of Su Luo took a hot aura and slowly walked on his legs to help him relieve the pain of cold poison.

Nangong Liuyun leaned against the wall of the car, sweating like a slurry, and his face was pale and snowy.

He squinted weakly and half-squinted, looking down at the relief that relieved him pain. Yin Hong's lips slowly swelled, and the eye was bent and the moon was beautiful and enchanting, whispering and whispering: "Stupid girl."

"No one is more stupid than you." The gravity of the Soviet Union collapsed, and Nangong Liuyun took a breath of cold air.

Su Luo did not look up, but the voice with a hint of whimper, the speed of speech quickly blamed again and again: "You couldn't compare the strength of the East, but also know that your leg is attacking, why do you still have to play? Know that you are going to die, Why are you still going up!"

In the face of the excitement of the Soviet Union, Nangong Liuyun is as smart as a deer, with a smile on his face and a low-level defense: "Is this not... won?"

"Win it? If it is not the last crucial moment, God will help you. If it is not at that moment, you suddenly get promoted, how to win? Oriental Xuan that sword can directly split you in half!" Su Luo angrily used A heavy glimpse.

"Hey--" The cold sweat of the oriental mysterious pain.

This girl is really rude under the hand.

Although being scolded, the mouth of Nangong Liuyun is getting more and more warp, and the smile becomes more and more obvious. The inky ink star is dazzling in the thick lashes, bright and deep like crystal, shining with dazzling colors.

His slender arm stretched out, and the Soviet Union fell to an unstable position and sat directly on him.

Su Luo suddenly felt very nervous, exclaimed: "Quickly let me go! How? Is there any pressure on you?"

Nangong Liuyun red lips enchanted, Wuhuan warmth as jade, staring at the Soviet Union, and her beauty is deeply imprinted in her mind, and it is marked in the soul.

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