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The words of Beichen’s father can kill people.

Li’s father was swayed with anger, but he couldn’t help him. He could only scream at his face.

The old man of Beichen Ying proudly raised his eyebrows, his eyes swept away, and he had a disobedient argument to argue with the old man.

Seeing that Li’s father was run on the blushing neck, the rest of the old man remained silent and left the choice to Master Yun Yun.

Master Rong Yun’s look is indifferent, slightly decapitated: “So, let God decide.”

Each person's elemental attributes are determined in the mother's body. At the age of five, they begin to wake up. This life is almost fixed, but the Dragon List gives an extra choice.

No one knows how the Dragon List came from, only knowing that since the historical record, the Dragon List has existed. And the first place in the Dragon List, God will give extra attribute values.

At this time, the stage suddenly surged, the sky was overcast, and the black pressure shrouded.


Shenlong is coming out!

For a time, everyone was holding their breath and staring at the sky under pressure.

In the dark clouds, lightning and thunder, the thunder is endless.

I don't know how long it has been.

Suddenly, a huge virtual shadow appeared in the sky.

When the real dragon came out, the air was prosperous.

Jingdi Le’s almost no mouth.

Because this is the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the air transport released by Zhenlong will benefit thousands of sons and grandchildren in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

At this time, a strong dragon humming sound seems to have come from ancient times, seemingly absent, knocking to the deepest part of the soul, so that someone in the place is deeply shuddering.

The true dragon illusion slowly emerges, and finally appears clearly in the air.

This long dragon is endless, and you can't see the tail. The huge head is majestic and sturdy. The green lining of the dragon body is crystal clear and bright, reflecting the luster.

The dragon's closed eyes slowly opened, sweeping indifferently to the ground, watching the group of dwarf ants.

His sight swept past, and the bottom was quiet, no one dared to make a sound.

Although it is a virtual shadow of the real dragon, many people have lowered their heads, or consciously or unconsciously avoided the glances of their eyes, trying to narrow their sense of existence, because they feel a fear and panic from the deepest bottom of their hearts. .

No one dares to provoke the dragon of the real dragon.

On the stage, the Nangong Liuyun is holding the Sulu, standing indifferently, and the long posture is straight and loose. Even if he faces the true dragon's glance, even if everyone does not dare to look at the real dragon, he is also very proud. Head.

Master Rong Yun did not know when he appeared in front of the stage. He looked at the real dragon's gaze and flashed a strange emotion.

"Get started." Master Yun Yun's voice is faint.

Master Rong Yun even talked so coldly to the real dragon?

At this point, everyone is incredibly looking at Master Yun Yun.

How to say, Master Yun Yun is also a person, but the other party is a real dragon? Can you be more polite? Not afraid that the real dragon is angry and violent?

In the horror of everyone, the real dragon seemed to spurt a dragon's breath, proudly raised his head, and turned to the eyes of Master Rong Yun.

Actually... actually angry? Many people are amazed at the heart. The eyes of Master Yun Yun are even more admired. They are speculating in their hearts, and they don’t know what Rong Yun’s master is related to this real dragon.

The dragon's indifferent gaze swept through the following ants, and finally settled on the two men holding hands on the stage.

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