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"Isn't the focus not on the ray attribute? The point is that only one person in each of the Dragon Lists can add attributes, Su Luo... How can she have this opportunity?" Li said with a wink!

In the last session, Luo Yuming spent a lot of hard work and got an opportunity. At that time, the second person did not even have a fart. The second place, from the Yaochi Palace Li family.

Everyone looked at Li’s father with sympathy.

Luo Laozi is also reluctant: "In the last session, our family, Yu Ming, only got the worst water property..." Hey."

Where, like this one, just like big delivery, it is not the most powerful dark attribute of attack, but the bright attribute of the healing system.

You know, the refining pharmacist with bright attributes, the speed of promotion can be described as a rocket, and can fly quickly.

At this point, Master Yun Yun on the stage smiled a little and was very satisfied with the result.

Seeing the grief and anger of the Soviet Union, she could not help but lick her little head: "Don’t worry, Xiaoshenlong signed an equal contract with you and will not disappear."

"Small dragons will really come back?" The misty eyes of Su Luo suddenly brightened.

“Yeah.” Master Yun Yun assured her, “When the little dragon is promoted to the rank of leader, no one can stop it. Even more, only when you return to the dragon, its promotion will be fast, you don’t feel good. Isn’t there any improvement in your life for a long time?”

When it comes to this, there is a glimmer of color in the stag.

Indeed, in the recent period, her strength has been continuously improved, but the cultivation of Xiaoshenlong seems to be stagnant. Xiao Shenlong had the strength to defeat Li Yuxiang early, but until now, its strength has not improved much.

"Dragons..." There was a glimmer of light in the eyes of Su’s eyes. "Master is right, maybe returning to it, and its cultivation speed will increase rapidly. Even if the little dragon does not come, I can go find it. it."

"This is the truth." Master Yun Yun saw that Su Luo finally put down his heart, which reminded her, "Light property, luck is really good."

"Why?" Su Luo was puzzled.

"Stupid girl." Master Rong Yun did not take a look at her. "The wood fire double system can become a refining pharmacist, but it can't be promoted quickly, but the bright attribute itself has a therapeutic effect, so the refining skills will be promoted very quickly. ""

Master Yun Yun’s so savage temper has never said so many words in a single breath, this time he is also a bit unsettled.

“Rapid promotion of refining skills!” Su Luo exclaimed.

Is this the most suitable for her? Originally, she was depressed how to be promoted to a master-level refining pharmacist within three years. Now, is it right to give a pillow when I want to sleep? Is it right?

"So very good." Su Luo satisfactorily nodded.

However, Su Luo looked at the distant sky, still heavy, regret sigh.

I really hope that Xiaoshenlong can quickly advance to the stage and hurry back to her. This is just leaving, she began to miss her.

Nangong Liuyun stood silently beside Su, gently holding her body, a warm breath sprayed on her neck: "Reassured, I will always be with you."

His sloppy head looked at the cold, but he was most afraid of parting. Nangong Liuyun made a promise at her side.

"Well! Never separate!" Su Luo smiled and nodded, surrounded his thin waist and buried his face in his warm chest.

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