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When Su Luo was stunned and slept again, the pain was unexpected.


it hurts!

Su Lu could almost feel the skin of his body being torn apart by an inch and slowly combining.

This pain almost caused the Soviet Union to flee, almost let her want to release the water of the gods to clean the blood-burning agent. However, as soon as he thought of Nangong Liuyun, thinking of his eyes with expectation and knowing her strength, Su Luo insisted on sticking his teeth.

Compared with the current pain, the pain last night is almost equal to being bitten by mosquitoes, neglecting.

The muscles in the body of the Soviet Union are all squatting, convulsions, and each one is good.

The sweat on the forehead of Su’s forehead was like a rain, and it dribbled down.

Her eyes were full of blood and anger, her hands grabbed the edge of the medicine, and ten fingers fell deeply into it.

The sweat mixed with tears, and the sap of the blood-sucking medicine filled the whole medicine.

Night, an unprecedented length.

The long time is going crazy.

Suo countless times want to knock himself out, only after fainting, I don’t know the pain, but Master Yun Yun gave birth to the idea.

"The consequences of fainting, the effect will be discounted." Master Yun Yun's words rang in the ear of the ear.

"I told you not to!" Su Luo said with a sigh, but he bitten his lower lip again because of convulsions.

The lower lip of the Soviet Union has already been bitten by her, and the flesh and blood are blurred, and the blood drips to the bottom.

"it hurts……"

The pain is the ultimate, but it must remain absolutely awake, which is simply abuse, and the Soviet Union spontaneously and willingly accept this abuse.

The determination to strengthen her will support her will.

Because Su Luo knows that Master will give himself blood to strengthen the body, which is enough to explain many problems. The biggest problem is that the dragon is in danger. Even the master feels that he will die after he enters. A near-inferior way makes her stronger.

The dragon's secret is so dangerous. Su Luo does not want to be the burden of Nangong Liuyun. He does not want him to be injured again because he protects himself. She wants to stand side by side with him and meet the enemy together instead of being well protected by him.

For this goal, even if you eat more bitterness and more pain, the Soviet Union feels worth it.

"Ah..." The painful and hoarse voice gradually spread out from the medicine.

Su Luo bit his lip and let himself scream.

Because this is too laborious.

At this time, Su Shen was sitting cross-legged in the medicine, and his spirit was highly concentrated, and he soon entered the state of self-cultivation.

Although the body still twitches, it is good to divert attention.

Unconsciously, the dawn dissipated, and the east gradually appeared a white fish.

The body of the Soviet Union, which had been bracing for a whole night, trembled violently, then slowly slipped off the inner wall of the medicine, and fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long I have been slumbering, and the Soviet Union is stunned by the glare of the sun.

Open your eyes, the interior is a place of sunshine.

A warm feeling.

The corner of Su’s mouth slowly evoked a smile.

Su Shi began to examine her body subconsciously.

The Qijing Eight Pulses combed through the past, and the Soviet Union found that compared with the previous ones, her meridians seemed to have obvious expansion and tenacity. After one week of operation, Su Luo discovered that her body had obvious enhancement.

After dressing properly, Sue ran away from the smoke, his footsteps were light and his breath was steady.

"Master!" The spirit of Su Luo stood in front of Master Rong Yun.

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