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"When?" Su Luo clung to the hand of Nan Gong Liu Yun, staring at him.

At this moment, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Don't worry, at least after waiting for the dragon's secret to come back, there is still a period of time." I noticed the tension and care of the Soviet Union, and Nangong Liuyun proudly raised his eyebrows. "Why, I can't live without me for a little time." ?"

"You are less smug." Su screamed twice, then converge again, staring at him in a serious manner, with a hint of dignity in his tone. "Is it related to the stabbing organization?"

Su Luo is not stupid. After the assassination of the assassination, Master told the Nangong Liuyun a few words, obviously related to the stab. But even the master is tricky, how can I do with the current strength of Nangong Liuyun?

Su Luo quickly stared at his beautiful and deep star, and his eyes were full of worry.

"Don't worry, believe me, huh?" Nangong Liuyun sneered out loudly and stunned his head.

"How can I not worry?" Su Luo dropped his eyes and groaned low.

After learning the internal information of the stings from the black population, the fall was also an eye-opener.

"Even if you don't believe me, don't you believe in your master? Do you think Master Yun Yun will harm me?" Nan Gong Liu Yun's long arm at a glance, put Su Luo into his arms, faintly smack the lips.

"This is really impossible." Su Luo screamed twice.

Master has always been cold, except for himself, the rest of the people in his eyes are essentially invisible.

Nangong Liuyun knew that Su Luo had entered the corner of the horn and smiled, but she was even tighter.

His fall finally attached to him, and he was reluctant to leave him, so happy.

After returning to the room, the Soviet Union turned over and over to sleep.

The matter tonight gave her a strong impact.

Anyone who knows that he has been chased by such a powerful organization will not be calm, and soon the Soviet Union will get news that it will be separated from Nangong in the near future.

The Soviet Union turned over and over to sleep, and all of them were black people.

Sting, so a powerful killer organization, the whole continent almost let them come and go, but how do you remember yourself? Is it really related to her masculine mother?

If this is the case, then the Soviet Union can only admit that it is unlucky. After all, everything can be chosen. Only the parents who have no choices, even if they are unlucky, they can only hold on to the scalp.

As soon as I think of the huge force of the stabbing, the heart of the Soviet Union is like a heavy stone, and the pressure is heavy. However, the pressure is also the power. At this moment, the Soviet Union has become more and more determined.

The eyes of the Soviet Union were closed, the soul flew into the space, and began day-to-day cultivation.

The time in space is ten times slower, so even for a night's time, for the Soviet Union, it is as long as ten nights.

Unconsciously, the darkness of the dawn was first revealed by the morning light, and a white belly appeared in the east.

However, the Soviet Union immersed in cultivation has no concept of time and is still diligently practicing.

Unconsciously, it has passed the afternoon.

All the people gathered on the battle platform, except for the group of people.

Luo Yan morning took his hand and stood up, his eyes glaring impatiently, his voice cold: "Some people haven't arrived yet? Is this not going to go?"

Li Aochen looked at Luo Yuming, and looked at the master Yun Yun who was sitting and drinking tea. He raised his lips and said that he smiled unconsciously: "There may be delays on the road."

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