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After entering the transparent ball, Su’s thought that his brain was dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a long ramp in front.

The ramp is about two meters high and two meters wide, enough for two people to walk side by side.

This ramp is long, deep and deep, but because the walls of the ramp are inlaid with countless night pearls, shining in the dark, so the visibility is very high.

"Where is this?" Zi Yan looked around curiously and turned to ask Su Luo.

"I don't know, Master did not explain it." Su Luo released the spiritual power and sensed the surrounding environment. Then he put down the guard and smiled. "There is no danger here. Since the road is ahead, then we Let's go, you will always find the mystery when you reach the end."

Zi Yan nodded: "Go, go to the front to see, this ramp seems very long."

"I just don't know how they are in Nangong." The unpredictable hunch of Su’s heart grew stronger and stronger.

"It certainly won't be as safe as we are." Zi Yan said of course.

"Why is this so sure?" Su Luo looked at the doubts.

"You don't want to think about how much eccentricity your master is. Just now, Dongfang Xuan thought to be thrown directly into this side. It is obvious that this passage is much safer than that passage. Your master is so thorough about your eccentric maintenance. Is to leave the best for you, do you still need to think about it? I, luck, and your light." Zi Yan is very happy to be a daughter at the moment.

"This is just your guess. Maybe we have hidden secrets in this passage." Su Luo does not believe.

"Then go walking." Zi Yan smiled happily, pulling the Soviet Union and walking quickly.

I don't know if it is the intuition of Zi Yan, or Master Yun Yun has arranged for it. They have two hands holding hands and are walking forward with caution. There are about two hours left, but the road is quiet except for silence.

The night pearl still shines on the road ahead, and the whole passage is bright and bright, but there is no danger of the unexpected.

After about half an hour, the number of night pearls began to decrease.

"It seems that I am going to export, and I am ready to fight." Su Luo lowered his voice and told the purple.

"Well, I know." Zi Yan was alert, clenching his arms in his hands, following the fall of Su, slowing down and quietly following up.

The night pearls are reduced by one piece, and the last one is not left.

The passage in front is getting narrower and narrower. In the end, only one person can pass.

Soon, in the darkness, a ray of light flashed in front of it.

Su Luo and Zi Yan looked at each other and their eyes became more dignified.

The two quietly approached.

After approaching, Su Luo discovered that this is not a hole, but a white ball of light. Something like the previous entrance, I think it should be a space portal.

And as a space mage, Su Luo has a natural affinity for this space ball.

"Come on." Su Luo raised his face and smiled at Zi Yan. "When you enter this portal, you will probably be able to go to the secret of the dragon in the mouth of Master."

"It's really strange. I didn't even touch the ants on this road. I didn't have a chance to find someone to practice." Zi Yan said proudly.

"If you want to practice your hand, wait for this transmission array, I can guarantee that it will make you feel soft." Su Luo did not get a good look at the cheap and sold purple cicada, then took her hand and slowed down. Slowly into the ball of light.

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