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Su Luo almost slammed Dongfang Xuan to death.

The oriental mysterious eyelids slammed sharply, staring at the Soviet Union, and the bottom of the eyes was like a blast of magma, and the fire snake flew.

Su Luo looked too lazy to look at him, concentrating on the position of the portal. But there can only be nowhere to go in, otherwise she has already rushed in.

But wait until you wait, you can't wait for the figure of Nangong Liuyun, and Su's anxious eyes flashed a touch of killing.

"What is going on inside? What have you encountered?" Su Li’s eyes were as sharp as a sharp knife, and he stabbed Li Xiaochen, who was closest to her.

At this time, Su Luo and Zi Yan were intact, Li Aochen was injured all over the body, and the so-called acquaintance was Junjie. At this time, Li Aochen did not suffocate with his body. His voice was cold and cold, but he still explained the inside. Once again: "We went in from the left channel. When we first entered, we encountered an eight-step four-eyed tourmaline siege, followed by a nine-order cloaking snake, and then a ten-order golden arm brown bear."

Li Aochen's gaze swept through the Soviet Union and Zi Yan, and saw that their two skirts were clean and dust-free, and suddenly they understood: "You didn't encounter these passages?"

Su Luo and Zi Yan looked at each other.

Their passages did not even touch the ants, let alone the four-eyed tourmaline, the nine-order cloaked snake, and the ten-order golden arm brown bear, and there was no shadow at all. This time, Zi Yan is really right, Master is too eccentric to her.

The heart of Su’s heart was surging, but the surface was calm and watery. She glanced at Li Aochen indifferently: “What later?”

Li Aochen snorted: "We later saw the light ball, but at this time, we encountered the Holy Power."

"What?" Su Luo and Zi Yan exclaimed.

Holy order strong? What is that concept? The completeness is the reappearance of the strength of the old ancestors. The last time Nangong Liuyun was rescued from her, she was forced out of the mysterious power sealed in the body, and smuggled with the ink ancestors, resulting in serious injuries, the whole body bones were almost broken, so serious injuries until the dragons competition It’s just finished, and now I’m fighting the Holy Power.

When Su Luo thought of this, his heart was even more anxious.

"You throw him in, and you ran out?" Su Luo's palm was placed on Li Ao's head. Once his answer was slightly dissatisfied, the palm of his hand would instantly defeat Li Ao's Lingtai point and let him scream.

Li Aochen is stiff and stiff. He slams his scalp and swears: "The strength of the nine secluded gold cymbals is tyrannical. It can only be seen in the eyes of Nangong Liuyun. Therefore, the target that it has been locked in is the Nangong Liuyun."

It is also because they have a few chances to escape, otherwise, the small life has long been thrown there.

The sight of the Soviet Union was swept away from the North Shadow. There was an obvious footprint on his back. It was obvious that Nangong Liuyun took him out at a crucial moment.

The sight of Su Luo fell to Li Aochen again. Her eyes sweared and sweared: "Since you dare to be a deserter, go to hell!"

The white light of the palm of the hand fell, and a strong wave of turbulence came out. He was about to go to the head of Li Aochen.

Li Aochen was so scared that he was as earthy.

At this critical moment, suddenly, a subtle voice caught the attention of the Soviet Union.

"Nangong Liuyun!" Looking at a black figure striding out from the portal, Su Luo excitedly threw Li Aochen away and hurried to the Nangong Liuyun.

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