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"The protest is invalid." Su Luo snorted. "I want it or not. If I don't want it, I will take it away. I also save my money. This is a master class medicine. It is very rare."

Hard to come by? The people silently looked at the whole bottle of Su Luo, and silently turned away from the face, looking at the lonely heart of the palm.

"Why do they have one, I only have half! Unfair!"

The cold eyes of Su Luo swept to him, looking up and down on him, and looking at the bottom of the oriental Xuan heart.

"What are you doing?" Dongfang Xuan impatiently snorted.

"Because you are too ugly." Su Luo smiled and smiled.

"What?" Dong Xuan was shocked.

"I said, because you are so ugly, you only have to get half of the master-level spirit Yuan Dan!" Su Luo smugly swayed, skirts flying, arrogant and arrogant.

"I am too ugly?!!"

Although he is not as good as Nangong, but where is it ugly? Is it better to take out the five senses? Actually saying that he is ugly, it is awful.

Bei Chenying and Zi Yan saw this scene, all laughing and laughing.

The sable is a thumbs up: "Let's fall, you are so great! I have never seen a master who has suffered a loss for so many years, it is so fun!"

"That is, I don't know who I am. If I am not busy playing these eye-catching purple spiders, I will not bother to control him." Su Luo proudly raised his eyebrows.

Dongfang Xuan, Luo Yuming and Li Aochen, a Lingyuan Dan can buy such a beater to sell her life, it is too worth it.

At this time, the reinforcements of the eye-catching purple spider have also arrived.

After taking a breath, after swallowing Ling Yuandan, the spirit of the people was shaken and returned to the original full state.

Dong Xuan silently looked at the half of Ling Yuan Dan in his hand, looked up and hated the Soviet Union, and then slammed half of the Lingyuan Dan into the entrance. Even if it is half a piece, that is good, it is a waste of pity!

The movement of the Oriental Xuan naturally did not escape the eyes of the Soviet Union.

Seeing Dongfang Xuan unwillingly swallowing half of Ling Yuan Dan, the smile of Su’s mouth is expanding.

In fact, everyone has battled with the eye-catching purple spider.

The Nangong Liuyun body rolled in the air, and the thunderballs in the hands spilled from top to bottom.

Suddenly, a group of eye-catching purple spiders that were so arrogant that they came from an instant were one-third less.

At this time, the eye-catching purple spider king did not know whether it was open to the ingenuity. He realized that Nangong Liuyun was the strongest among the team members. He also found that the Nangong Liuyun was the most concerned about the Soviet Union. Therefore, his body was strong. And the ferocious aura burst out and rushed toward the Soviet Union!

Nangong Liuyun is in the air, watching the fierce and fascinating eyes of the spider, and the corner of his mouth screams a sneer.

The thief first invited the king, but I did not expect this kind of eye-catching purple spider to have this kind of intelligence. The king of Nangong Liuyun is the one who cares most about Su Luo. Isn’t that the description of this group is the most important one in this team?

In the eyes of Nangong Liuyun, the cold mangling flashed, and the fingers pointed at the virtual sky. Soon, a flash of lightning danced out.

"go with!"

The lightning dragon is about a few meters long, and all of them are rushing toward the eye-catching purple spider king!

For a moment, the eye-catching purple spider king was bound by a myriad of lightning bolts.

"Oh--" The eye-catching purple spider king screamed in pain, rolling on the ground.

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