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"Accordingly, it will always be my turn at this time?" Dong Xuan smiled and raised his eyebrows.

The oriental Xuan Napi smiled and looked like a smile, so she looked at the unhappy, so she grinned sarcastically. "Accordingly speaking, who cares for you? Don't you know that unreasonable trouble is a woman's privilege?"

There is a flow of unconditional support from Nangong Liuyun. The story of Su Shi’s saying is a straightforward and strong, and suddenly the oriental Xuanzang almost turned his eyes.

" are good, you are good, the saint said it is good, it is only the woman and the villain is difficult to raise." Oriental Xuanyuan sleeves, screaming and screaming.

"I am a woman, you are a villain, let's talk to each other, the boss will not say the second child." Su Xiao smiles as bright as a star.

"Where am I a villain? Can a man hold his blood to squirt blood?" Dong Xuan had a sigh of relief since he entered the dragon's secret environment. He was so angry that he was so angry that he couldn't help but fight with her. Mouth.

"Where are you gentlemen? Is it a gentleman who can make Li Yaoyao who is not married to Yunying?" The sound of Su Luo is faint, slow, but it is enough to make the East Xuanqi.

"I have nothing to say to you." Dongfang Xuanyi was too lazy to look at her.

"It seems that I am very willing to talk to you. A young man who has not broken through the ranks of the age, but also the first master of the Purgatory City, the face of the Purgatory City Lord has been lost by you." Su spit out his tongue, his face is abandon .

"You!!!" The sinister and sinister Oriental Xuan was first mad at the white-eyed eyes. He sneaked into the Nangong stream, provoked and threatened: "The three divisions, even the masters dare to insult the woman, you really dare Going into the door? You are not afraid of Master blaming?"

"Master is sure not to blame me and fall, as to whether or not to blame you..." Nangong Liuyun is like a black ink sword slightly raised, slowly spit out five words: "It is really possible."

"Three teachers, do you have a problem with your brain?" Dongfang Xuan felt ridiculous. It is the Shulu’s gimmick that clearly insults Master. Nangong Liuyun even vowed that Master would blame himself. This is really a slippery world.

Nangong Liuyun looked at the idiot with a faint look, disdainfully glanced at him, and then whispered to the Soviet Union: "The wind here is a bit big, it will feel a little shaking, but I will always be with you, so don't afraid."

"Yeah." Su Luo answered with a smile.

In fact, she can completely eliminate the need for this wire bridge. It only needs a teleport to go to the opposite side. Because after a recent period of cultivation, the Soviet Union has mastered the law of the teleportation. When she was in Weiyang Palace, she couldn't control the location and distance at will, but now she has been able to make a teleport within five kilometers without stress.

If there is only one person here, it would be no problem for the Soviet Union to teleport, but since it is in the team, the Su will naturally not reveal the cards to Dong Xuan.

After the annihilation, Nangong Liuyun put Sue on his back and put on a wire bridge, leaving a resentful but helpless oriental mysterious.

This wire bridge is neat and negligible, and people stand on the wind and flutter.

On the back of the Nangong Liuyun, the Soviets looked down, only to see the fog below, the depths of the bottom, the small hurricane on the side, the danger of falling.

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