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Why did they not come to the grove here? Because Nangong Liuyun told Su Luo a word: the eye-catching purple spider likes the sun.

At this time, in the afternoon, the sun gradually moved to the west, so most of the occult spiders gathered in the west, and it was impossible to gather in the groves in the east.

The words of the Soviet Union on the Nangong Liuyun were not doubtful, so a group of people went to the west in a mighty way. They naturally did not know that the small team of Dongfang Xuan had a temporary small split, and went to Luo Yuming to trust. She is waiting for them in the same place.

The group of Su Luo quickly came to the west.

If the east side is a leafy forest, then the west is a vast desert.

Looking at the yellow sand rolling in front of me, Zi Yan hands akimbo, silently pumping the mouth corner, looking toward the south palace stream: "Three brothers, are you sure there will be a blind eye spider?"

Su Luo also spit out his tongue: "Somewhat awkward."

Nangong Liuyun smiled a little, and he did not see how he moved. He saw his fingers fluttering, and a handprint flashed toward the right hand.

I only heard a burst of screaming sound, and the sand was rolled up by the wind, revealing a whole nest of eye-catching purple spider.

"Wow! A lot of eye-catching purple spiders, there are a hundred of them, killing!!!" Ziyan excitedly drooled out.

In the eyes of the purple eyes, these are not the spiders that look dirty and ugly, but the shining white stones that can be redeemed for the baby.

The purple scorpion is like a cannonball that impacts the encirclement of the eye-catching purple spider. It is quickly smashed by the densely-skinned purple spider.

"This stupid woman! At least seven steps of the eye-catching purple spider, so rushing in is not looking for death!" Bei Chenying complained angrily, but spontaneously rushed to fight with her.

The Soviet Union and Nangong Liuyun also followed suit.

Because here is not just their team, when they know that they were misled by the white-bearded grandfather, they will be taken away. This will be taken away by them. If you want to find such a big nest in the future, it will be difficult. .

Therefore, this time, Nangong Liuyun did not keep a hand, and countless thunderballs blasted toward the eye-catching purple spider.

Poor eye-catching purple spiders, they do not know whether the whole family is still in the party, so they are given a nest by the Soviet Union.

Less than a fragrant time, even a small 90-year-old purple spider was lying on the ground.

The Soviet Union put a fire on it, and soon, the white stone was shining everywhere.

"Let's fall, get it up quickly." Zi Yan urged the Soviet Union. "When the lottery is played, it will be fun to play with me once."

"That is, in the end, this luck is still good." Bei Chenying agreed.

They are unconditional trust in the fall, because they know that if it is the baby that suits them, the Soviet Union will definitely leave it to them, just like the Soviet Union left the crystal ball to the purple. They are teammates who are worth giving their backs to each other and trust each other completely.

Su Luo smiled and nodded, waved his hand, and all the 90 spar reached.

"If you can find the whole eye of the whole eye, then you can find the whole eye." Su Luo looked at the scattered scattered eyes around the spider, she was not interested in killing.

Nangong Liuyun quietly looked at Su Luo, and suddenly smiled, and the enchanting red lips lightly started: "Are you not teleporting?"

"Well?" Su Luo raised her palm-sized face in confusion, looking at Nangong Liuyun inexplicably.

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