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So several people took time to work.

A large desert, less than an hour, has been continually endowed by them six nests.

But when they found the seventh nest, they found that things had changed.

The Oriental Xuan Luo Yuming and Li Aochen three people surrounded the nest of the eye-catching purple spider, and at this time, they are constantly attacking the stalking purple spider inside.

"I rub! Actually they touched it first, hateful!" Su Luo looked at the three people with a depressed look, and looked down at the map in his hand, and finally reluctantly crossed the little black dot.

"Do we want to..." Bei Chenying made a gesture of sneak attack.

At this time, I can rush to the fish and catch a lot of eye-catching purple spiders.

But the Soviet Union shook his head.

"Rather than wasting time on their disputes, it is better for us to hurry to the rest of the nest." Su Brow frowned. "The strength of the oriental Xuan can not be underestimated, he can go deep into the desert to find the eye-catching spider The old nest can be seen one or two."

"I don't know how he came from the cliff." Zi Yan was dissatisfied. If Dong Xuan has been staying there, how good it is, no one will grab them.

"It’s good to be able to stop them for so long. We are now leading them thousands of them." Su Luo expressed satisfaction with such a result, then pointed to the black spots on the map. "Okay, let's go."

So, in the hidden place, the Soviet Union took everyone to the teleport.

The oriental Xuanmei brows tightly. Just now he sensed the smell of the scented scorpion in the fall, how could it disappear after a blink of an eye? Is it... Did they go deep into the sand and then rush to grab it with themselves?

"Don't worry about these eclipse spiders, pay full attention to the changes under the sand!" Oriental Xuan cold face and solemnly issued orders.

Dongfang Xuan’s order is an unprecedented mistake.

He had such a delay, and many of the eye-catching purple spiders ran out of chaos and stalked in countless directions.

If Su Luo sees this situation, it will definitely be the first step, because it means that these eyes are likely to ventilate the letter, and it means that there is no chance to kill the whole nest in the future. .

Sure enough, when Su Luo went all the way to find the past, the place marked on the original picture could not be found even with a silky spider.

"Damn!" The Soviet Union was angry and angry. "It must have been a mistake made by Dongfang Xuan. I knew that they should have been killed together."

Zi Yan is also angry: "How can they be so stupid! In this way, when you play down sparsely, when can you make up 100? And one hundred will only have a lucky draw chance. There is a great possibility that I will thank you for your patronage."

"If you can attract all the eye-catching purple spiders to one place, it would be a good idea." Nangong Liuyun touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"But these eyes are all scared to death, and they are all running away. How do you attract them?" Zi Yan felt that there was almost no possibility.

But the eyes of the Soviet Union gradually brightened: "Gather all of them in one place..."

"Is there a way to fall?" The purple and the sorrowful tacit understanding, when the Soviet Union touched the mouth of the chin slightly tilted up, they knew that she had a good way.

"I haven't tried it yet, I don't know if it is effective for the time being." Having said that, but in the eyes of the Soviet Union, it is full of determination.

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