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Bei Chen Ying looked down at the sight of Su Luo, and he glanced at the goose bumps.

"Oh, my mother! What are those? Are all the ants full of ants?" Bei Chenying exclaimed.

Su Luo glanced at him with an idiot's gaze, and his mouth whispered silently: "What do you say?"

"The front is a little fox!" Beichen Ying shouted excitedly, "The little fox is catching up, run fast, run!"

"Do not worry, I have calculated the speed of the little fox, there is no problem running here." Su fell not angry.

Nangong Liuyun slaps his head in a good and funny manner. This lingering eye-catching purple spider is too much. If it is attacked from the front, it will not be easy to clean up when it is around.

As a result, the Nangong Liu Yun left a sentence in the low and low, and disappeared in the same place.

"Where is the Nangong?" Beichen’s eyes wide open and his eyes are blank.

At this critical moment, the main force of Nangong is not here. What can I do?

Seeing the eye-catching purple spider came over in a mighty manner, and a cautious color appeared in the eyes of the Su, and Beichen Shadow and Zi Yan also all entered the preparation state with dignity.

Five kilometers...

One kilometer...

Five hundred meters...

At this critical moment, the little fox slammed into the arms of the Soviet Union, while the Soviet Union subconsciously took the little fox into the space.

Su Luo believes that if the little fox is placed outside, it will definitely be torn into pieces by the thin-skinned purple spider.

After the hours of the little fox, these eye-catching purple spiders suddenly became arrogant. They whispered angrily and roared, but they lost their way in the same place.

At this time, after the scope of the eye-catching purple spider, a thunder and lightning were intertwined into a net, and the sizzling sounded.

"Retreat, fast back!" Su Luo remembered the confession of Nangong Liuyun, led Beichen Ying and Ziyan to quickly retreat.

Lightning has no eyes, and if they are within the scope of the attack, they will inevitably suffer from twists and turns.

The eye-catching purple spiders are not fools. They look up and see the lightning that is coming from the sky, and the ones are getting louder and louder.

Where did the little fox go! All the eyes of the eye-catching purple spider are thinking about this matter.

At this time, the lightning dragon swims like a whip suddenly slamming down.

Countless lightning quickly rushed down, like a dense feather arrow, which made it impossible to prevent it, let alone these eccentric purple spiders.


A dragon snake flashed, and countless eye-catching purple spiders were turned over to the ground.

The bad-eyed purple spider, which was directly in the air, was screaming on the spot, and the body broke into several pieces, scattered on the ground, and a white flower stone fell from the head of the brain to the ground.

Luck is a little better, the body is hit by lightning, a spark with lightning, the burnt smell from their body, the taste is very pungent.

The release of Nangong Liuyun was released, and one third of the eye-catching purple spider was dropped.

Seeing these eye-catching purple spiders, which are hard to attract, are ready to escape, and Su Luo suddenly ordered: "Keep the position, don't let them run!"

At the same time, the Soviet Union fell a hand and the small stones appeared in place.

It is now so critical that the big Buddha, the big stone, is invited out.

The small stone looked at Su Luo without a word, and faintly passed. He didn't have a single sentence, and he shot directly.

At this time, Su Lu not only invited a small stone to come out, but also brought out the Acacia tree.

Acacia trees have many green vines and are flourishing. The role played by the group warfare will be very large, but the Soviet Union only orders it to do one thing: "Try to stop these nymphs, don't let them give Ran."

The mutant Acacia tree did not have time to answer the image of the Soviet Union and disappeared in place.

"Block up?" There is no other way to mutate Acacia, and some are the most soil and the most effective.

I saw that its roots quickly rooted in the soft sand, and the roots under the soil layer expanded rapidly and spread, spreading in all directions. At the same time, the branches and leaves of the tree also spread rapidly, only to hear the sound of rushing, and when the Soviets turned back, they found that a thick wall was built around them. The mutated Acacia tree has already brought all the people and eyes. The purple spiders all stopped.

"Good!" Su Luo’s heart sighed with a sigh.

With this tree-shaped wall, they will be able to "close the door and hit the dog" and wipe out these eyes!

However, the mutated Acacia tree has been sent to the Soviet Union, indicating that such a large energy consumption is very fast, and it can only withstand a fragrant time.

"When a fragrant incense? It is already enough." The Soviet Union smiled brightly, and then she rushed into the group of eagle-eyed purple spiders in a fierce battle like a small stone.

At this moment, all the enemies around, do not have to worry about accidental injury, so all the strength of the Soviet Union broke out at this moment.

Fireball, fire pillar, flame, fire sea... The hot fire element almost refers to the high temperature of the air.

Innumerable tricks of the eye-catching purple spiders screamed angrily, screaming, and painfully rolling on the ground, but no matter how it was rolled, the flames on them could not be extinguished, burning and burning.

Surrounded by the variegated acacia tree fence, these eye-catching purple spiders have nowhere to escape. They are in a hurry, forming a circle in twos and threes, and attacking the Soviets and others.

At this time, Su Li’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she greeted Beichen with a scream at the purple singer: “Come on!”

The battle was interrupted, and Beichen Ying was very convinced, but couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, or ran around in the fart: "Why are you doing it? The ground is getting stronger, I have killed fifteen!"

Sue did not curiously go to the white: "The fifteen, only what is worthy of pride? We come to cooperate to ensure that the two of you kill the painful, lightning fast!"

At this time, the purple scorpion has come over, and he is standing in front of the Soviet Union and listening, not as much as Beichen’s nonsense.

"Do you have a big remedy?" Beichen's eyes are shining. If you eat the big remedy of the remedy, and instantly improve your strength, then killing these eagle eyes is not as simple as stepping on the ants?

Su Luo gave him a sigh of relief, "If I have to take it out early, where will I wait until now?"

"If that's okay, then I will go first." Beichen Shadow was disappointed to turn around and walked. According to common sense, since Su Luo told him to come over, he would definitely hold him.

But to his disappointment, Su Luo did not pull him, and she simply ignored him and only spoke to the purple.

"Let's work together." Su Luo smiled and opened his mouth. As the voice just fell, a near-transparent virtual shadow suddenly appeared, shrouded in the closest eye-spotted spider.

Purple eyes with doubts.

These phantoms are about ten square meters in size and almost transparent, but if you look closely, you will find that the space in the phantom is slightly wrinkled.

"Go in." Su Luo said that Zi Yan stepped into the void space, and she explained, "Now these eagle-eyed spiders have been cut by 50% of my strength. You are now rushing up, and you can guarantee one knife. No mistakes."

The virtual space of the Soviet Union is almost negligible for the tenth-order powerhouse, but these eye-spotted purple spiders are only seven or eight steps, so the effect is surprisingly good. The Soviet Union only uses a little effort, and their strength is weakened. Most of the time.

Zi Yan almost looked dumbfounded and murmured: "Strength weakens most of the time?"

Later, her eyes fell on these hordes of eye-catching purple spiders. Sure enough, she found that these eyeshadows were slow and the brain seemed a bit stupid.

Not waiting for the purple scorpion to come back, the Soviet Union has already waved the shadow sword and rushed up.

I saw that the shadow sword of Su Luo was lifted up high, and it was heavy and sloping down. Suddenly, a cold sword had a shadow across the arc, only to hear a squeaking sound. Then, three eyes lined up in a team. The head of the spider was thrown up by the Lord, and then fell to the ground and rolled back and forth.

Zi Yan’s eyes were round and round, and he looked at Su Luo in a silly way. He wanted to speak but found that he didn’t know what to say.

Bei Chen Ying first came back to God, he strode up and tried to hold the thighs, but Su Luo did not push him away: "Go, squatting now, their speed is slow, hurry to kill, how many How many kills, those heads are all baby."

Wen Yan, Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying are excited, one by one from the space to take out the cold sword waving and rushed over.

These eye-catching purple spiders are shrouded in the void space of the Soviet Union. Their speed and strength have dropped by more than half. At this time, the strength is only six orders. For the current Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying, what is the sixth order? It’s just a matter of cutting a knife.

So two people, one on the left and one on the right, waved a cold sword and tried to kill.

Until the real hands, the two of them fully realized what the meaning of the decline of the soul of the sable. Because these now these eyes are in their eyes, it is like a small thing that only slows down and does not know how to resist. They can get rid of the knife at least, and they can kill at least two. If they are lucky, they will kill three or four consecutively.

This is much more efficient than before.

In the past, I have to go through the tricks. If I am surrounded by the eyes of the spiders, there is still the danger of life, but now I don’t need to consider these things at all. As long as I mechanically wave the cold sword, it is as simple as the meat.

The sound of the surrounding screams was resounding, and the deep purple head shells were flying around, and there were all kinds of busy voices everywhere.

Soon, this small group of eye-catching purple spiders was all killed.

Su was throwing a hand, so the skull shell scattered on the ground was taken into her space. She smiled and said: "Now there is no time to pick one by one, and then wait until after the end."

Because these eye-catching purple spiders were cut down with their heads, Baishi has not exploded. If you do these trivial things now, it will waste a lot of time.

Both Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying agreed.

With the last experience, it is better for them to cooperate with them.

With a wave of suspenders, nothingness has just shrouded up. Ziyan and Beichenying have been fighting for the inside, and the speed is as fast as lightning. The sword in their hands is lifted high and squats mercilessly.

Su Luo also rushed in to fight with them.

Thus, in less than a few seconds, the dozens of eagle-eyed spiders all declared death.

After collecting the brain shells that fell to the ground, a group of people rushed to the next team.

In this way, there is a variation of Acacia trees outside the fence, there is a virtual space of the Soviet Union to help, the three of them cooperate with each other, tacit understanding, efficiency is more than ten times faster.

They are fighting here, and the Nangong Liuyun in the rear is not relaxed.

At this time, he seems to be carrying lightning all over the body. His three thousand inks under the shawl are shining like a lightning dragon. It looks like lightning flashing, giving people a very strong visual impact. .

At this point, he pointed his hand, wherever the finger went, there were countless dragons bursting out of the lightning, so that the eye-catching purple spider was swallowed by thunder and burned into a large fireball. .

Later, Nangong pointed to another direction. His fingers seemed to have an earth-shattering deterrent. As if this finger pointed to the whole world, even the distant mountains would be surrendered and trembled.

In this way, his efficiency alone is even faster than the four people on the side of the Soviet Union.

This battle has been said for a long time, but in fact, from the little fox began to lead these eye-catching purple spiders to the later Nangong Liuyun rushed to the rear of the big shot, then to Su Luo to come up with a cooperative approach, and then finally to the eyes The whole army of the spider was annihilated, and only a tea time was passed in time.

After the sacred spiders were completely destroyed, the huge roots of the mutated Acacia tree quickly returned, and the towering tree tops instantly retracted and became a tall sapling.

Su Luo happily touched the saplings. "This time the performance is very good. Go in and drink some spring water to restore your spiritual strength."

The so-called spring water in the mouth of Su Luo is naturally the top quality of the gods.

The leaves of the mutated Acacia tree lingered in the face of Su’s face, and then broke into the space. This time it really did a great deal of effort, and the spiritual power consumed 77.8 times, and it was necessary to recover quickly because the little master quickly The next fight will take place. This time I can help the owner, and the variation of Acacia is very exciting.

After flying into the space, the mutated Acacia tree is directly rooted on the edge of the Shangpin Tianling water. The roots climb to the spring eye, and the cockroach begins to absorb the Shangpin Tianling water. In less than a while, the Zhengkou spring water is one-third less. Fortunately, after being drained by a third, the spring quickly returned quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Outside the space, at this time, Su Luo and others are very happy.

Bei Chen Ying is even more excited. He pulled the sleeves of the Soviet Union and hurriedly urged him: "Hurry up, hurry up and count."

"When the kill is over, let's talk about it?" Although Su Luo is also looking forward to fullness, he still lives more sturdy.

" Count it, just count it..." Bei Chenying’s body twisted and twisted, and he did not let the Soviet Union fall.

"Well, count it, don't yell at me." Su Luo pushed the North Chen Ying, then a white light flashed, and the eyes of a singular purple spider appeared on the sand in front.

The Soviet Union put a fire on it, so these skull shells were quickly burnt into coke, and then the Nangong Liuyun light wind technique came out, so the ash was blown away, leaving only the crystal clear white stone on the ground. Shining in the sun, the light of the heart is shining.

"Wow, a lot better..." The harvest was more than ever before, and many Beichen Shadows were amazed.

"There is probably a visual inspection..."

"I will count my number!" The Soviet Union has not finished, and Beichen Ying has already flew up, and the eyes are shining like a fan.

Zi Yan did not catch up with it, and counted with him on the ground.

Su Luo and Nan Gong Liu Yun stood in the same place, Su Lu is about to talk, but see Nan Gong Liu Yun brow slightly wrinkled, on the Su Ludao: "put him up."

He refers to the small stone covered with the fur of the ink ancestors.

Su Luo had no time to think about it. With a wave of hand, the small stone entered her space. Before she asked for the sound of Su Luo, she saw three figures flying fast toward them.

"It was Dongfang Xuan. They didn't expect their speed to be so fast. They even came over." Su Luo didn't look at the three figures with great enthusiasm. For these three people, she always had no good feelings, especially Dongfang Xuan.

The oriental Xuan was dressed in white, a pair of turbidity and good sons, and slowly walked toward him. His eyes looked at the ground, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes: "Hey, a lot of white stones, it seems that you have gained a lot this time."

No one was there to take care of him, and Su Luo simply took the Nangong Liuyun and went to the white stone.

Fortunately, Nangong Liuyun sensed them early, so that she would collect the small stones, otherwise the small stones would be exposed, but the consequences were very serious.

Because the small stone is covered with the outer skin of the ink ancestor.

However, there is a rule in the age of entering the dragon. The ink ancestor absolutely exceeds the minimum age limit, so he is unlikely to come in, but if Dong Xuan sees the real ink ancestor, he will how to think? It will lead to a series of after-effects.

Therefore, Su Luo decided that in the secret of this dragon, not the last life and death, she must not release the small stones again.

The Emperor Xuanjian Su’s fall, they ignored it, and the look was unsettled. He snorted. “So many white stones, what is the use of bad luck, isn’t it given to the lottery machine in vain? How about selling it to me?”

The Oriental Xuan looked at Beichen Shadow with a provocative look, and the corner of his mouth taunted and sneered.

Bei Chen Ying was not willing to go back and forth: "With the fall and gambling three games, the bureau is losing, your luck is really good."

"Hey!" Zi Yan did not hold back the laughter, but she responded quickly, and quickly lowered her head and covered her mouth, but the twinkles flashed like a star's eyelids still leaked her good mood at the moment.

Dongfang Xuan was stunned by Beichen Film. He is strange, how can he be caught by this group of people again and again?

The oriental Xuanzang squats on the sleeves, and the eyes smashed the purple eyes. He felt that this little teacher and sister became more and more disrespectful. He completely ate the insider and did not put his master in his eyes. Where is his Yaoyao cute?

The oriental mysterious eyes are slightly stunned, and soon I will count on my heart: "Purple, your age is not small?"

Zi Yan did not expect why the master suddenly changed the subject. She screamed coldly: "The master can't remember my age? It's a disappointing and sad truth."

"Hey!" Su Luo directly squirted. Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying have become more and more vocal, and the words are poked. Poor Oriental Xuan, I don’t know how he will cope.

The oriental mysterious cold eyes swept across the Soviet Union in an indifferent manner, and then they looked at the purple scorpion, and the mouth sullenly sneered: "You are eighteen years old this year, how can the masters not remember?"

"Oh." Zi Yan did not respond to the sound, she did not understand what the oriental Xuan mention.

But at this time, Su Luo felt that things were a little bad. Dong Xuan asked the age of Zi Yan, what did he want to do? Is it...

Before the Soviet Union’s opening was stopped, Dongfang Xuan’s sneer sneered out: “Eighteen years old, just as good old age, your sister has already had a husband’s family. It seems that I have to find one for you. After all, girls are extroverted, old one. Big heart is going to outsiders."

As soon as I heard this, Zijing squinted back and forth: "There is a Master who is the master. The Master still manages himself first. I heard that Li Yaoyao’s arms are not married, but he has lost Yaochi Palace and Purgatory. The face of the city."

Zi Yan’s unrequited words poked the oriental mysterious face, and he took a deep breath to cover up the boiling anger. The eyes of the Oriental Xuanyin squint directly on the face of Zi Yan: "Master has not returned for many years, who knows when to come back? Since I am a master, then I have done this for you! I heard that Li Yao of Li Chi It’s good to stumble, you can barely deserve it.”

Li proud? Master Rong Yun was abolished and repaired as Li Aozhen who could only stay in the fourth stage?

Zi Yan heard the words, her face rose red, her cold eyes slammed into the oriental Xuan: "I want to marry you to marry, take less of me, and say, there are three brothers, where are you, do not want to Think about what strength you are!"

The words of Zi Yan are quite unrelenting, and they have pierced the most sensitive side of the oriental Xuan heart, so that the Oriental Xuan Dun does not come to Taiwan. As a master, the strength is weaker than the younger brother who is much younger than himself. Where does the face go? So Dong Xuan has always been very sensitive in this regard.

"Smelly head, look for death!" Oriental Xuan suddenly burst into a powerful pressure, and mercilessly rushed toward the purple.

But before that, this kind of pressure hit the purple scorpion, a bigger atmosphere crushed the magical power of Dongfang Xuan, and then everyone saw that the face of Dongfang Xuan gradually became red, a pair of eyes full of bloodshot, **** The taste is like a hungry wolf, screaming at the Nangong, and I can’t wait to swallow him!

The Nangong Liuyun indifferently evokes the corners of his mouth, and the red lips are lightly opened. The sarcasm is full: "Masters still want to continue?"

The sound of Nangong Liuyun is so light, it is as slight as a feather, but it makes the whole person of Dongfang Xuan fall into a painful situation, not only the pain of the body, but also the pain of the heart.

Just now, Zijing just said that Dongfang Xuan is not as good as Nangong Liuyun, and Dongfang Xuancai just lost his temper, but he has not been hurt by the purple scorpion and was directly crushed back by Nangong Liuyun. This does not prove that the red fruit is not as good as Nangongliu. Cloud? !

"Okay, you, very good!" Dong Xuan bit his teeth and stared at the group.

Nangong Liuyun slowly evokes the corners of his mouth, hands behind him, his posture is handsome, and he looks at the oriental mysteriously: "We are really good, the masters don't have to worry."

"Hey!" Su Luo and other people laughed and sprayed, but Dong Xuan was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Dongfang Xuan felt that there was no face, and he dropped a sentence in a bad voice: "Purple, don't worry about marrying, the master will definitely marry you to Li Aozhen!" After finishing this sentence, find a little after the game. He turned his head and left because he couldn’t stay here anymore, too shameful!

But he hasn't taken a step yet, but he saw a cold and indifferent voice: "Oriental Xuan, are you sure you want to die?"

The master of this voice is naturally the Nangong stream.

"Nan Gong Liu Yun, you must control this matter? Do not die with me, will you die?" Dong Xuan almost screamed.

What he has been doing these days is really wrong. Since the game of the Dragons, he was suppressed by Nangong Liuyun, Dongfang Xuan felt that his life has entered the stage of the bad luck, and things are not going well, especially the younger brother and his woman, let him hate Shoot them with a slap in the face.

Nangong Liuyun’s beautiful eyebrows were slightly provoked, and he seemed to sigh inadvertently: “There is a saying from the master, how do I feel that you are not looking for us to die?”

Zi Yan is his sister, not to mention the fall, she likes her, and she can’t stand by in the Liugongliuyun.

"You are not afraid of Master's blame?!" Dongfang Xuan angered the Nangong Liuyun, "Master returned, there is a good look!"

"Yes? Then wait for Master to come back and see who he will give you a good look." Nangong Liu Yun hands both hands around the chest, happily hooking lips. As long as the falling **** is sprinkled in front of the master, the ten oriental mysteries are not enough for the master to destroy. Now, he is really funny.

Nangong Liuyun smiled and slammed his head.

"Nangong Liuyun, are you afraid of it?" Dongfang Xuan is not a fool. When he mentioned Master, Nangong Liuyun’s second full confidence made Dong Xuan see a little clue.

"Oh? You also see it?" Who knows that Nangong Liuyun does not mean to deny it.

There is a hint of inspiration in the oriental mysterious brain. He has a hunch that this event will be very important, but it is not clear what he has done so far. So he did not hurry to go, but instead walked to the front of the Nangong Liuyun, looked at him coldly, and the Soviets in his arms. His eyes are cold and friendly, and the people who watch it are cold. If the person with poor psychological quality is afraid of being directly fainted, the most powerful thing is the psychological quality of Nangong Liuyun and Sulu.

"What the **** are you in the end?" The oriental Xuan thickened eyebrows were deeply wrinkled and asked inexplicably.

"You are very curious?" Nangong Liuyun sneered out, as if the cat fighting mouse is as confident and comfortable.

"You talk." The tone of Dongfang Xuan became better than ever. He is really very good. What is the card of the Nangong Gongyun? Why is he so sure that Master will stand on his side? This made Dong Xuan deeply confused.

Nangong Liuyun laughed, he smiled and approached the oriental mysterious side, in the moment when the oriental Xuan looked forward to a million, but said: "Do you think I will tell you? Idiot."

"Hey!" Su Luo laughed on the spot. The mouth of Nangong Liuyun is too poisonous, but he is a master.

The oriental Xuan's complexion turned red in a flash, like a red candle, making people wonder if the next time there will be a blood vessel burst.

"You!" Oriental Xuan Xiu's fingers pointed at the Nangong Liuyun, staring at him with a sullen look, and wished to pounce on a bite. "Okay, very good, you are really good! If so, then everyone is walking." !"

When the voice falls, the shadow of the oriental Xuan will turn into a streamer, quickly disappearing in the same place, and rushing away in the distance.

At this time, Luo Yuming and Li Aochen were left behind. They both looked at each other and did not know what to do.

In the scornful eyes of Nangong’s flowing clouds, like laughing and laughing, the two looked at each other and then quickly left in the direction of the departure of Dongfang Xuan.

With the strength of the two of them, even if they are together, they will not be able to pass the ten tricks under the Nangong Liuyun, not to mention that both of them have enmity with the Soviet Union, and the Nangong Liuyun protects the short-biased temper. God knows whether he will publicize the feud So it's still good to leave.

So, they came to the violent, but quiet, and soon there were only a few of them around.

"It was so cool just now!" Bei Chenying published a summary speech. In this world, the fist is hard to be the last word. Like the Nangong Liuyun, in one sentence, the oriental sacred arrogance is blown down, and he is defeated like a mountain, but if the Nangong is not in the clouds, It is hard to imagine what the consequences are.

"Fortunately, there are three brothers in the world, otherwise..." Zi Yan thought and felt scared.

Master is no longer there. The weight of the master's speech is very high. If he insists on what to do, the elders can't stop it.

Su Luo took the purple scorpion and comforted her: "You can rest assured, although you have two bad brothers who don't adjust, but your three brothers will definitely not let you marry someone you don't like, are you right?"

In the latter part of the sentence, the Soviet Union naturally talked with Nangong Liuyun.

Nangongliu cloud looked at her lazily and said carelessly, "What are you talking about?"

"Look, isn't it? Don't worry." Su Luo said with a smile, "You wait, wait for your master to come back, I let the Oriental Xuan personally give you a sigh of tea!"

When I said this, the Soviet Union was so busy.

"Really?" Zi Yan looked at Su Luo in disbelief. "Can you really tell me my master? I can tell you clearly. My master is very cold. Anyway, I have never been here for so many years." Seeing that he laughed, whoever appears to be within his range of three feet will definitely be frozen to death. Do you really have a way to approach Master and convince him?"

Su Luo smiled and licked his lips. She can't do it, but her face is definitely the best pass. As soon as she appears, she keeps the Purgatory City owner giving her ten times the face, so Su Luo confidently said, "This is a sure thing! Do not believe You ask your three brothers."

Therefore, Zi Yan curiously looked at the Nangong stream. She does not necessarily want to apologize to her under the Xuanzang of the East, but she does not understand why the landing is so confident? Just because the three brothers like her? This reason is not true.

Nangong Liu Yun’s head fell, and then he asked Bei Chenying: “Is there a good number?”

"All the numbers are clear. There are four hundred and fifty in this time!" Beichen Ying was excited about this. "This time the harvest is bigger than ever before. If there are a few more times, the rewards there can be All of them have been taken away by us?"

Nangong Liuyun turned to ask Su Luo: "Will you go back to the lucky draw or continue to collect?"

Su Luo thought about his head. If you go back to the lucky draw first, it will inevitably delay the time. Moreover, Dongfang Xuan will definitely not get more from Baishi, so even if they go back to the lucky draw, they will certainly not take many good things. In summary, the Su decided to spend After three days, Baishi will be collected and the final moment will be redeemed.

When she said this idea, Bei Chenying and others agreed.

So they started collecting white stones again.

The method is simple and effective.

Just like the one just now, Su Luo wanted to use the top quality of the little fox to attract the eye-catching purple spider, and then to attract all the mysterious purple spiders, and then mutated the acacia tree to form a wall to surround them all in the middle, and then Then Su Luo released the void space, and cleaned it in small pieces and small pieces. So, in less than half an hour, these eyes can be annihilated.

This method is quick and easy, but it didn't take long before it encountered obstacles.

This time, when the little fox ran out, the Soviet Union did not go out, because the little fox was used to it when he was too much. It seems that there is no danger in the Soviet Union, so she let the little fox act alone.

But this time, I don’t know why, the little fox has not returned for a long time.

"Is there a change?" Purple brows wrinkled and worried about the little fox.

"It shouldn't." The little fox and the Soviet Union contracted. If the life was in danger, the Soviet Union naturally felt it, but now she did not find the little fox to ask for help.

"How come that hasn't come back yet? According to the previous practice, the little fox ran back early." Beichen Ying looked up at the distance, but in the distance was the yellow sand, the shadow of the little fox did not see .

Suddenly, the eyes of the Soviet Union wrinkled tightly.

"What's wrong?" Beichen Ying and Zi Yan, who are observing the fall, asked her loudly.

"The little fox is in trouble, let's go." The little fox had just sent a message with the Soviet Union, and it was attacked.

Su Luo couldn't think too much, and took four people directly to the teleportion, and then put the crowd down when there was a little distance.

Standing on the high hills, you can see a few kilometers in front of you, and the densely-skinned purple spiders gather together, but at this time they don't see the little foxes.

"That man is..." Beichen Ying exclaimed.

"Oriental Xuan that bastard!" Zi Yan directly screamed.

Su Luo looked at the eyes of Zi Yan and suddenly sneered. is not that right? Is the person in white clothes not the oriental Xuan? At this time, he was holding a small fox in his hand, and he was looking at the group of eye-catching purple spiders as if they were all in his bag.

Not long ago, I was scared away by Nangong Liuyun, and now I ran to grab their prey? Dong Xuan This is the rhythm of finding death?

Dong Xuan's side is followed by Luo Yuming and Li Aochen. At this time, three people are surrounded by triangles to surround the group of eye-catching purple spiders, and then continuously release elemental attacks.

When encountering the tenth-order powerhouse, these eyeshave purple spiders have no way to resist, and all of them have fallen into the ground, but they have no variation of the Acacia tree surrounded by their own branches and leaves, so there are constantly eye-catching purple spiders from the battle. Escaped and rushed in all directions.

Bei Chenying saw this situation and gasped his fist: "These losers! Stupid like stupid pigs!"

The purple anger is rushing but pointing to the point: "They took our prey, what should we do? Can't get it?" Zi Yan turned to ask Su.

Anyway, Su Li said that the three brothers agreed, so Zi Yan had a direct question to ask Su Luo.

"Is it rushing up now?" On the half-hillside, the cold eyes of Su’s cold were dangerously half-squatting. Looking at the oriental mystery that constantly released the elemental attack not far away, her mouth slowly sneered a sneer, "free labor Which one is so easy to find? Since they want to help, let him live first."

————This chapter has a long chicken, and it’s close to 10,000 words. It’s lazy to divide the chapters, so they just put them together. The chapters here can be divided into nine chapters, so don’t always The author only updated one chapter. However, I found that there are still many readers. I only update one chapter, and I am wronged. . So I will post it in chapters later, and I will not do this stupid thing.呜呜呜~~~PS: The group is full, the group number has been revoked, and it will be opened again later. Don't worry.

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