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Luo Yuming, at the most critical moment, you have fallen into the rocks! I am thinking of you in Dong Xuan! The eyes of the oriental Xuanyin poison stared at Luo Yuming, and then turned to Li Aom's face.

Li Aochen spread his hands innocently, simply a single sentence, but made Dongfang Xuan shame his face.

Because Li Aochen said: "Dongfang brother, you can't even beat your third division, what qualifications are there for me to follow?"

"Okay, very good, you, one by one..." Dongfang Xuan’s finger pointed at everyone present, because of anger, his fingertips trembled again and again. "You remember it to Laozi! This hatred is not reported, Laozi is not a man!" ”

After saying this, the figure of Dongfang Xuan became a black spot in the sky, and finally disappeared quickly in the desert.

The oriental Xuanyi walked, and the surrounding area suddenly fell silent.

Su Luo quietly looked at Luo Yuming and Li Aochen. The rebellion of these two people is somewhat unexpected, but they split with the East, which is a good thing for them.

Luo Yuming moved to the Nangong Liuyun to hold the fist: "I have just intercepted the matter, the eye-catching purple spider has been all served, the Nangong brother is a large number of adults, but also hope Haihan."

Although Li Aochen was not in harmony with the Soviet Union, he also accompanied the smiling face at this time and respectfully gave Nangong Liuyun a ceremony.

Nangong Liu Yun’s eyes sneaked with a hint of sarcasm and waved freely: “You can go.”

Luo Yuming and Li Aochen looked at each other and finally said by Luo Yuming: "Our two of us are still admirable, but we still have some merits. I don't know if..."

Who knows that Luo Yuming’s request has not been raised and was directly rejected by Nangong Liuyun: “No.”

This sentence is crisp and neat, there is no trace of mud and water, so there is no room for negotiation.

In the eyes of Luo Yanming, it is difficult to hide the color of disappointment.

This team has not only the top masters like Nangong Liuyun, but also the cute little fox that can attract the eye-catching purple spider. With the little fox, the task of strangling the eye-catching purple spider becomes very simple. Therefore, Luo Yuming originally wanted to follow this team, but he did not expect that Nangong Liuyun would refuse to do so simply.

"That's the case, then we..." Luo Yan's words have not been finished, and Nangong Liuyun will take a cold look.

Luo Yuming was helpless and could only sigh: "That will leave first."

There is still a arrogant Luo Yuming turned and left.

Li Aochen saw that Luo Yuming was rejected. He must be more unwaited. If he did not say anything else, it was the hatred between Yao Chi and the family. It was not a simple sentence or two. It was Blood can understand the hatred.

Li Aochen saw this and felt sorry in his heart, but he also had to keep up with Luo Yuming's footsteps.

"Help? Which of the two of them have a strong ink ancestor?" Beichen Ying hands akimbo, disdainfully sneer, "can betray the oriental Xuan, will not betray us? What's more, if they stay, the ink ancestors can not come out By then, we can lose money."

The strength of Mo's ancestors at this time is to lead the peak, and Luo Yuming's several of them are not enough to kill the old ancestors. If Luo Yuming stays, the old ancestors could not come out to help.

At this time, the Soviet Union was healing the little fox.

The little fox's injury looked shocking outside, but it was actually good, not hurting the bones, just some skin injuries. The most important thing in the hands of Su Luo is to take good medicine. In order to reward and reward the little fox, Su Luo simply took out the royal medicine.

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