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When Su Luo and Zi Yan saw Bei Chenying's ass, the two people suddenly laughed and finally laughed and sat down on the yellow sand.

Bei Chenying felt bungee, and didn't bother to marry two people: "What smiles? Isn't it ready to fight?" He is hard to die, okay? Actually still laughing at him! Two unconscionable women!

Zi Yan couldn’t stop laughing, tears came out, and the voice was even more intermittent: "Your... ass... What happened? Hahaha-"

Bei Chen Ying’s handsome and sunny face was rare at this time, and he was depressed and sat on the ground, hating his teeth: “Falled.”

"Hey!" Su Luo did not smile at the face.

When Bei Chenying left, Su Luo gave him a pot of Tianling water, and asked him to adapt to it, but no one asked him to sprinkle the water on his ass. The fabric on the buttocks of Yubei Chenying was almost caught in pieces by the eye-catching purple spider, and it was smashed and smashed on the body. It looked like a wolverine and funny.

"Bei Chen Ying, you two goods!" Zi Yan finally stopped laughing, "Why don't you change a new robe?"

"This is... didn't bring it..." Beichen Ying felt blushing.

There was a space bag that was dropped, but he forgot to bring more clothes to himself. This is simply a pig brain. Bei Chenying has doubts about his IQ.

Zi Yan laughed: "I know you didn't bring it, move it, take it!"

Zizi sometimes dresses up as a man, and the clothes she buys will be very large, so she lost two sets of men's clothing for Beichenying. Dark blue robes, simple style, but the texture is very good.

"Thank you!" Beichen Ying received the clothes and suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. Fortunately, there was a sponsorship of Ziyan, otherwise he would wait for the battle together, and he would wait for the light **** to fight.

After changing the robes, Beichen Shadow was completely new.

At this time, the mutated Acacia tree has surrounded the eagle-eyed spider.

"Fighting!" The Soviets threw a wave of their hands, and there was no space to cover a small team on the far left. So the team began to hunt the wind again.

Luo Yuming and Li Aochen stood on the hillside far away and saw the scene of the battlefield in the distance. The two eyes sparkled with complex light.

"The top grade Tianling water is so wasteful, it is a pity." Li Aochen shook his head and sneered at the practice of the Soviet Union.

But Luo Yiming is thinking about another question: "Why is their top quality Tianling water seemingly inexhaustible? What is going on?"

Luo Yuming suspected that the direction was right, but he couldn’t understand what it was all about, and he couldn’t think of it at all. The Soviet Union would have space to carry it, and the top quality of the water would really not be used. Exhausted, more than can be used for bathing and watering.

"The way they play is called real strangulation, very cool." Li Aochen rarely acknowledged the true thoughts in his heart.

"I always thought that it was a terrible thing to avenge the Nangong Liuyun, but now I understand that it is really terrible to have a hatred with the Soviet Union." Luo Yanming squinted and looked calmly in the distance. The scene, said frankly.

"Is it?" Li Aochen did not believe. The hatred of Yao Chi and Su Luo in Yaochi can only be resolved by blood and death.

"If you can, it is best to kill Li Yaoyao in your home." Luo Yuming was very difficult to find and warned. "Otherwise, the day of the destruction of the Yaochi Li family is not far away."

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