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At this point, a smile appeared in the corner of the Soviet Union.

This Yu Jianli's big void handprints triple realm she had already finished learning, so it was easy to do it when Su Yu pinched jade.

"What are you doing..." When you see the Soviet Union crushing the jade slips, when the powder is put into the entrance, they are wide-eyed, and even the white-bearded grandfather who is half-closed with his eyes is also big. Eyes, staring at the jade in the hands of the Soviet Union.

"Bless your own good luck." After the fall, the powder fell into the hands, clap your hands and smile at everyone.

"Crushing jade Jane can get good luck? Who is it?" Li Aochen smiled coldly, obviously not believe.

"Let's say a few words." Luo Yuming frowned, unsatisfiedly swept Li Aochen. He thought that his analysis was thorough enough, but Li Aochen did not change his death, so he could not help.

Li Aochen remembered the words of Luo Yuming, and snorted and turned his face.

Su Luo smiled and said to Zi Zi: "I can't do my hand, is it directly on the 1st?"

"Do not believe." Zi Yan shook his head very sensibly. It didn't make sense to pick up the first 99 times. The last time he gave the number one.

"You can't do it?" Su Luo asked the North Chen Ying with enthusiasm.

"Absolutely do not believe." Bei Chen Ying firmly shook his head.

"Well, let me see what is called real luck!" Su lost his hand, slammed the start button, and then began to pray with his hands together.

I don't know how long it took, Su Luo slowly opened his eyes, his eyes glanced in front of everyone, and then -

Slowly press the stop button.

The number starts to stop scrolling.

"God! No. 1, really is number one..."

Seeing the number that completely stopped, Zi Yan screamed and the whole person was scared!

How is this going? Su Luo said on the 1st, even directly on the 1st? Is there such a magical thing?

For a time, everyone’s eyes were all focused on the Su’s body. Everyone looked at her silly and didn’t know what to say.

Su Luo smiled and said: "I didn't say it just now. After the jade is crushed and sprinkled, it will bring good luck, but if you don't believe it, then I can only take advantage of it."

The Soviet Union is completely a pair of cheap and sellable.

Li Ao's brows were deeply wrinkled, and the suspicious eyes swept over the face of Su Luo...

He took out a hundred white stones and a piece of jade...

"Li Aochen, you still have a hundred white stones in your hand?" Luo Yuming's cold voice sounded. They teamed up to do the task, and the white stone obtained was evenly distributed. Now that Luo Yuming is gone, Li Aochen still has one hundred in his hand? And what does he mean by taking out jade, is he also going to crush the jade?

Li Aochen smiled coldly: "This is what I personally put in my life. Do you want to grab it with me?"

Luo Yuming was so disheartened that he did not look over his face. He became more and more disappointed with Li Aochen.

Just when Li Aochen was about to go to the front of the lottery machine, he was stopped by Nangong Liuyun.

"Slow." Nangong Liuyun's voice is short but unbearable, and the unparalleled strong breath makes Li Aochen automatically stop.

"How? Still not let others pump?" Li Ao's mouth slowly sneered a sneer.

Su Luo is a fool, she thought that everyone did not have a white stone, so I told you the mystery of the encounter, but she never thought that there is a last chance in her hand!

However, the words that Nangong Liuyun said later made Li Aochen completely desperate and crazy.

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