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After the first pass was passed, everyone began to move toward the second level.

In the hands of Su Luo, there was a map given by the white-bearded grandfather, so in this journey, there were a lot of detours and they went straight to the destination.

This map of the sheepskin scroll is simple and scribbled, and it outlines the outline of the entire dragon in just a few strokes.

The dragon's secret is in the shape of a rabbit, and now everyone is in the right ear of the rabbit, and the second is in the rabbit's eye.

Looking for the road, Su Luo took the map and put it together. Li Aochen came together and did not even see it. Sue itself did not like him, and naturally it was impossible for him to have the opportunity to see the map.

Walking through the gentle slopes, there is a towering cliff in front.

Su Luo looked at the high cliff and said to everyone: "Through this cliff, you will be able to reach the second level."

This dragon's secret environment was first explored. The baby that was obtained was really a surprise. It was only the first level. Sulu almost took away the baby on the whole shelf. Then the second level and the third level? I don't know what other surprises are waiting for her.

Su Luo took advantage of the curiosity and surprise in his heart, and led the Nangong Liuyun to take the lead into the cliff.

This time they did not walk on the mountain, but entered the ramp below the cliff.

A martyr that is enough to accommodate the passage of two people. It is dark-painted and can't reach the fingers. No one can predict and imagine what is dangerous inside, so everyone is not willing to take the first one. So Sulu and Nangong Liu Yunshuai first. Go in.

This ramp was sloping all the way up, apparently the road from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. But this time they are walking in the mountainside and know nothing about the outside environment.

After entering, Su Luo frowned slightly.

Because she felt that when she first entered, the surrounding walls were slightly moist, but after going up to a hundred meters, she found that the temperature around her began to rise gradually...

Su’s doubtful eyes looked at Nangong Liuyun, while the latter smiled a little: “Let’s see it again.”

"Good." The Soviet Union pulled the hand of Nangong Liuyun, and the two walked side by side.

After another few kilometers, the Soviet Union noticed that the temperature around it was getting higher and higher, and asked Nangong Liuyun: "Isn't this a magma? It's hot."

Nangong Liuyun gave her a definite answer: "If you didn't guess wrong, it should be magma, and we are getting closer and closer to it."

"You mean, now we have not entered the scope of the magma?" Sue wiped the fine sweat on his forehead and whispered.

"It's still far from it." The brow of Nangong Liuyun wrinkled slightly. Because for them, this is not a good news.

“It’s so hot without entering the magma range. What if I really get into it?” Su Luo began to worry.

Everyone has entered this mountain belly road for several kilometers, and the surrounding area has gradually become more spacious. It has been no problem to walk four or five people side by side from the original two people.

Zi Yan was busy coming up and whispered, "What happened? How are your faces not so good?"

"You don't feel hot?" Su faint smiled.

"Fortunately, not very hot." Zi Yan said the truth.

Su’s hands spread out: “Forgetting that you are a double attribute, the wind system and the ice system, certainly won’t feel hot.”

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