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The eyes of Dongfang Xuan seem to have been swept away from the Nangong Liuyun, and then they spread their hands and looked like a helpless smile. "Isn’t this the main thing of the Soviet girl? Is it the head of the Nangong Liuyun? Isn't it?"

The oriental metaphysical tone has a ridiculous taste that can't be said, and the heart is still smoldering, but her face is still calm and self-sufficient, and her smile is bleak: "Nangong is because I like me, do you like me too?"

Su Luo smiled and glared at the oriental mysterious, waiting for his answer slowly. No matter what the oriental Xuan said, the subsequent rebuttals are sharp as snow swords.

Dongfang Xuan didn’t expect Su’s brain to turn so fast, and he talked without any scruples. He also knows that if he answers his likes, Su Luo will never give him a good face, but if the answer does not like it, her words will not be heard.

Dongfang Xuan sighed. Sure enough, no matter how strong his strength, on the ability to bicker, but the Soviet Union can always crush him, it is like a mountain peak, it is difficult to pass.

Su Luo did not smack the oriental Xuan eye, and then began to go on the road with Nangong Liuyun.

The team slowly moved forward, but the heart of Su Luo was more and more confused. The time and place where the oriental Xuan appeared was so good that people could not help but doubt him.

"Is it going to be him?" Su Luo whispered to Nangong Liuyun because she had some uncertain ideas.

"The person who brags is not him, but --" Is there an accomplice? This is not sure about Nangong Liuyun. When Nangong Liuyun paused, he patted his head. "The situation is getting worse, don't leave later." I am three feet away, huh?"

"Then you might as well pick me up with a belt of roots." Su Luo raised his small face and laughed.

"This is a good idea." Nangong Liuyun was forced to implement, but was stopped by Su Luo.

"Okay, promise you still can't make it? I will never leave you within the range of Sanzhang." Su Luo smiled and said to Nangong Liuyun.

The Nangong Liuyun face restores condensation and seriousness. When the buzzing sound appeared, he had a major mistake. If he chose to look for the source of the buzz and annihilate it, instead of losing the spiritual power to the Soviet Union, wouldn’t it be the result?

This problem, Nangong Liuyun has no solution until now, he does not know how to choose this kind of thing again, he will make choices. But the only certainty is that he can't watch the Soviets encounter danger without saving.

A group of people walked silently in the ramp.

The ramp was getting wider and wider, and later, it was about a few tens of meters wide enough for everyone to walk side by side.

But the team is still moving in an orderly manner.

When Su Luo thought that such peace and order would always reach his destination, suddenly, Xuan Dong Xuan stepped up his footsteps and quickly rushed past Su Luo and others.

Looking at the footsteps of Dongfang Xuan, Li Aochen and Luo Yuming looked at each other. Although they did not understand why Dong Xuan would do so, they knew that if there was no benefit, Dong Xuan would never run so fast.

"Fast! Quickly chase!" Li Aochen speeded up his footsteps and disappeared between the flashes.

Luo Yanming looked at Li Aochen, who had only one black spot left, and then looked down on the confused and doubtful Su, he stumbled, and finally decided to follow Li Aochen.

So, soon there was only Su Luo, Nan Gong Liu Yun, Zi Yan and Bei Chen Ying.

"What is this?" Beichen's shadow is obviously anxious.

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