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At first, the Soviet Union and the legendary Spar King fight, and as a result, the Sulu is like a smashing thing. When you pick it up, you put it in your own box, instead of looking at it like the opposite King of Spar. The crux of the matter is that later, Beichen Shadow untied all the spar, but found that the spar picked by the Soviet Union was all on the green spar!

Therefore, Beichen Ying has already concluded that there is absolutely a pair of eyes that can see through the original stone through the original stone! It is precisely because of this that when Su Luo tells him the truth, he will be so disappointed and decadent, because the words of the Soviet Union are the truth, no doubt.

"Really... no good things?" Bei Chen shadow looked at Su Luo, looking at her with hope and hope to see something on her face.

But Su Luo was firm and shook his head.

"Hey." Bei Chen Ying sadly reminded to hold his head. How can his luck be so bad? If the Soviet Union was in the past, it would be no match for the luck of the Soviet Union.

"That, then what about them..." Zi Yan's gaze swept the other three directions.

"Luo Ming is similar to us. Li Aochen has at least ten purple spar. As for the oriental mystery..." A glimmer of light flashed through the eyes of Su Luo, and he smiled faintly. "This is a big fish."

"Would you like us..." The purple eyes sparkled. The words of the Soviet Union are already very obvious. There are treasures in the Oriental Xuan. If according to her thoughts, with the strength of their side, they can definitely grab the oriental Xuan and Luo Yuming!

But Su Luo stopped her words and slowly shook her head.

If it was before, perhaps the Soviet Union would do the same, but after seeing Dongfang Xuan, Su Luo felt that there seemed to be some strange change in Dong Xuan’s body. He couldn’t tell the weirdness, but it gave her an inexplicable ring. The alarm bell. This kind of oriental mystery is not easy to provoke.

"Let me think about it." Su Luo whispered, but his eyes seemed to be placed on the giant rough stone owned by Oriental Xuan. In any case, this piece contains the original stone of a hundred purple spar. deal!

At this time, Suo’s mind faintly uttered a word.

"Stupid girl." The small stone scorned the white and looked down.

"What?" The Soviet Union did not respond with a good spirit.

"It's a very simple thing, but it's not so stupid." The little stone didn't blink.

"The simplest thing? For example..." Su Luo was not ashamed to ask.

"Ice flower." The small stone hinted.

"Ah?" Su Luo said that he still didn't understand it. Is the ice flower not the flower given to her by Nangong Liuyun? The mutant Acacia tree was also collected on the road, and it has not yet arrived.

The little stone frowned silently and silently sighed: "Don't you know what the meaning of the ice flower is here?"

However, Su’s thoughts apparently did not keep up with the rhythm. She widened her eyes: “That flower... is it really a ice flower?” Isn’t that what she started with? Su Luo expressed great curiosity.

"Yeah, it's a coincidence. This flower is really called the ice flower. The name is still from your mother's mouth." The small stone screamed.

"Wait!" Su Luo suddenly got excited. At this time, if the small stone stood in front of her, she would definitely ask him a small collar of a small stone.

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