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Before the fall of the Soviet Union, Li Aochen had already told the Dong Xuan and Luo Yuming the results he had seen.

Luo Yan's eyes wide open, unbelievable: "Is this impossible? The magma bridge is so easy to pass?"

But Dong Xuan was frowning and fell into meditation.

Soon, he swept away like a lightning bolt towards the Magma Bridge, just to see the purple scorpion quickly disappearing on the magma bridge.

Actually it is true! The oriental mysterious eyebrows stretched out slightly, and looked at the Soviet Union with a smile.

Su Luo smiled and raised his eyebrows, and Nangong Liuyun took the area of ​​the original stone.

The Soviet Union did not speak, but slowly patrolled the original stone area, because she knew that Dong Xuan had at least two points to ask her, she had no fear, so she was not in a hurry. Now it is the three people who should be summoned.

The oriental Xuan face with a smile, the temperature and the ground to the Suluo: "Sue girl can have a fancy stone, how can I send you?"

This face speed is really fast enough, but the Soviet Union shook his head.

At this time, the Su can capture the eyes of the Oriental Xuan Chao Li Aochen and Luo Yuming, and they can also see the figure of the two disappearing quickly.

"Hey, what are they doing with them?" Su’s pretense didn’t know, and asked casually.

"There are three people in a hurry." Dongfang Xuan beat haha.

"Is it?" Su Luo did not dismantle it, because she knew that Li Aochen and Luo Yuming would definitely be disappointed, because all the ice spirits along the way are now in her hands. What can they find?

It didn't take long for the two men to appear in front of everyone.

In the face of Su Luliang's eyes as a star, Luo Yuming slightly stunned his face, but Li Aochen looked cold and sinister, then he slowly shook his head toward the oriental Xuan.

After Dongfang Xuan was informed, his eyes flashed a disappointment, but then he was enthusiastic about Sanlu’s attitude.

When he saw that Su Luo was playing with a piece of rough stone, he smiled and said: "Is it like this piece? Is it better to give it to you?"

After a while, the time is called falling? Changing the face speed is really fast enough.

The corner of Su’s mouth was slightly pulled up, and he shook his head.

"So, five? Ten?" Dongfang Xuan's attitude is almost flattering.

"Ten?" Su Luo touched his chin, slightly indulged, "Are you sure?"

In this area of ​​Dongfang Xuan, the most valuable ones can be more than ten original stones.

Although the oriental mysterious but painful, but still nodded: "Yes! As long as the fall will be enough to pass the ice spirit of the magma bridge to us, ten pieces will be ten."

"But I didn't agree, just ask, what are you anxious?" Su Luo slowly glanced at him and said casually.

The fist of the oriental side of the body is tightly held! This stinky head is simply an inch!

Although the heart is very angry, I can't wait to tear the Soviet Union, but the oriental side is still full of laughter: "The fifteen?"

"Thirty pieces can be considered." Su Luo touched his chin, a veteran profiteer, and slowly proposed conditions.

"Thirty?" Dong Xuan is dead and dead! It’s really a big opening for the lion, so there’s so much to open!

"Thirty original stones, who knows whether the solution is empty? In fact, if you say this, the 30 pieces are still a little bit less. After all, I have a priceless market. You can't buy it if you want to buy it. Ah..." Su Luo said slowly and slowly.

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