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Under the watchfulness of a group of boring people, Li Aochen and the four-eyed peaks of the ninth-order peaks fought hard.

The four-eyed ferrets are white and snowy, and the hair is thick and heavy like mysterious iron. Under the reflection of the sun and snow, there is a faint silver-gray luster, especially the eyes, sharp and bloody, and it is cold. Severe light, people can't help but be scared.

Without the help of any foreign aid, Li Aochen, who had been dying before, struggled with it, but the people who were not far away were so busy.

"Li Aochen's speed is a bit slow. It is estimated that within ten strokes, it will be wiped out by four eyes." Zi Yan said vowed, and this is also her hope. Li Aochen has always been against them, so Zi Yan hopes that Li Aochen will disappear in front of everyone.

"No, things are not that simple." Bei Chenying touched his chin, his eyes narrowed and he looked at the scene in front of him and shook his head slowly.

"Oh? What's the best?" Zi Yan snorted.

"With me, Li Aochen is definitely not so easy to die." Beichen Ying was a serious nod.

"What is the certificate?" Purple is more and more convinced.

"The so-called good people do not live long lives, the scourge of thousands of years, Li Aochen and Li Yaoyao, these two brothers and sisters are typical of the millennium scourge, not so easy to die." North Chen Ying face a positive color.

It turns out that Bei Chenying’s so-called basis is this, not what he really saw. Zi Yan sneered, then asked Su Luo, "What do you think?"

Su Luo licked his red lips and looked seriously at the battle ahead.

At this time, Li Aochen and the four-eyed snow scorpion are fighting to the most critical moment, and the residual image is shining. Both speeds are very fast, almost swaying the human eye.

In a strict sense, Li Aochen is indeed in a disadvantage.

At this point, he couldn't fight back everywhere, and the original wound on his face had been cracked again, and the blood was stained with red clothes. It is precisely because of these blood that it has aroused the wildness and wolf of the four-eyed ferrets.

At this time, the four eyes of the snow scorpion eyes are full of bloodthirsty and cold light, the power is invisibly doubled, and Li Aochen is suppressed.

"Hey--" Four eyes of the snowy sharp claws crossed the face of Li Aom.

Li Aochen, who was crumbling, could not stop it. The white face suddenly left a deep **** paw print, and five blood marks flowed down the cheeks.

"Li Aochen is dead, hahaha!" Zi Yan was obviously very happy.

"My opinion is completely in your opinion." Su Luo smiled and looked at Zi Yan.

"Do you think Li Aochen will win? This is impossible!" Zi Yan said with certainty, "If it was Li Aochen in the heyday, it might be tied with four eyes, but now Li Aochen's strength has been weakened. The four-eyed ferrets are in a period of hunger, and the wildness is full of outbreaks.

"Li Aochen will lose, but will not die." Su Luo smiled and looked at Li Aochen, who was defeated in front of him, and his mouth smirked.

"Why?" Zi Yan still couldn't understand.

"Stupid." Bei Chen Ying played her forehead, which is more depressed.

Suddenly, Zi suddenly realized, and clap his hands: "I know! It turned out to be like this!"

At this point, the battle has come to an end.

Four eyes, a temper, and a storm, swept the past, and Li Aochen smashed to the ground. Then his body was shaped like electricity. The huge body quickly rushed toward Li Aochen. At the same time, the **** mouth opened quickly and looked horrible. !

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