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The giant anger is extremely angry, and a pair of huge eyes are looking for the enemy's figure everywhere, but to make it even more angry, the front has already lost the human figure!

Not only is the sword sharp, the attack power is strong, and the speed is still fast enough. Is this still a small human? The anger of the battle in the heart of the giant scorpion was completely ignited.

Where is the Nangong Liuyun at this time?

In fact, as soon as he saw a snake in the sword, his body shape has turned, and has already turned to the lower lip of the giant clam.

The body of the giant clam is too large, and its range of sight does not see the place under the lips.

Just as it was raging around and looking for Nangong Liuyun, Nangong Liuyun was close to its lower lip, and the red sword in his hand appeared in his hands again.

On the occasion of the roaring roar of the giant python, Nangong Liuyun found the opportunity, facing the protruding snake letter, and it was a sword!

And this time, it was on the wound before!

Overlap with the last wound, hurt and hurt!

Suddenly, the wound that has not healed, the blood is like a fountain!

Two consecutive hits, and the Nangong Liuyun, who is holding the Akasaka sword, was injured, so the python is really unable to keep it.

Just listening to the "啪嗒" with a crisp sound, the red-red snake letter is broken, and fell heavily to the ground.

The snake letter is the tongue of the giant python, which contains a lot of venom. The most powerful attack method of the giant python is the snake letter, but it did not expect that the Nangong Liuyun actually cut off its snake letter as soon as it came up! ! !

This human being is not only unexpected, but also greatly unexpected!

"Hey--" The giant python is really furious this time!

The pain almost made it lose its mind.

The pain of losing the snake letter makes it collapse.

So, the giant mad!

I saw it rising into the sky, the huge body twisted into a twist in the air, roaring against the sky!

Numerous venoms are sprayed around, like a shower, with a fan-shaped arc, and the wide range of spray is unpredictable.

On the ground, before the raging violent anger, the Soviet Union had already noticed the danger. She smashed through the purple scorpion and rushed forward and shouted at the North Chenying: "Run!"

Bei Chenying's reaction was still agile, watching Su Luo flew out, and quickly ran away with his feet!

The huge body of the giant clam is in the air, almost covering the sky, the venom jet is fast and urgent, and the range is very wide! Fortunately, a few people in the Soviet Union reacted quickly, and the body rushed out like an arrow, and finally managed to run out of the venom spray range.

However, Beichen Shadow responded slowly after half a shot, so unfortunately suffered a drop of venom.

When the venom shot on the back of Beichen Shadow, Beichen Shadow was scared.

His fears were not superfluous, but they were very necessary, because when the venom splashed on his back, he heard the sound of "嗤嗤", which sounded like pork belly on the iron plate.

Bei Chenying was scared and suddenly exclaimed.

Not only being scared, but still hurting!

The venom seemed to be the strongest corrosive agent in the world, and instantly smashed the back of Beichen Shadow into a small piece, and it was spreading to nearby muscles at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hearing the scream of Beichen Shadow, he was not good in Su’s heart, so he quickly left the purple scorpion and turned back to pull the North Shadow.

After finally running out of the venom range, Su Luo quickly looked at the injury of Beichen Ying.

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