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Su Luo knew that if she was up, Dong Xuan would never let her escape, so she decisively took the downward measures, that is, deep into the soil underneath.

There is a huge root system of the mutated Acacia tree, and the hole is certainly not a problem. In fact, the mutated Acacia tree only draws back a thick root of the roots, and a long black hole appears under the ground, and the Soviet Union can slide down the slide as it can.

Going down the slide, after the end, and then touching the roots, the Soviets returned to the place where she was the oldest one - the interior of the old tree.

The so-called most dangerous thing is the safest place. Dong Xuan can't guess even if he is dead. The Soviet Union will climb back into the old tree under his watchful eyes, so Su Luo felt that she was safe.

However, Su Gu guessed to guess the degree of anger of Dong Xuan.

She did not expect that the anger of the Oriental Xuan would be so strong, the shot would be so embarrassing, almost completely destroyed around.

The mutated Acacia tree stays in the same place in a silly manner. Although it has been hurt, it is not serious. At this time, the mutated Acacia tree is still not up to the idea whether it should fall to the ground. It seems that it will be more gregarious...

Just between the mutated Acacia tree, suddenly, it saw the oriental Xuan Dao stepping toward it!

The mutated acacia tree is a plant pet of the Soviet Union. By mutating the eyes of the acacia tree, the succulent nature can clearly understand the situation outside. She watched as the East Xuan Da stepped toward this side, and suddenly a kind of unpredictable feeling was raised in her heart.

Escape now... Is it still too late? When Su Luo was planning to sneak out of the original black hole, the Oriental Xuan suddenly looked cold and stared at the old tree.

The cold light in the eye made Su Luo involuntarily stunned, and then she subconsciously curled up and motionless, and even the heart's jumping speed was suppressed.

Because the Soviet Union knows that the present Oriental Xuan is scanning this old tree from top to bottom with the knowledge of God.

The mutated Acacia tree deliberately suppresses the strength and pretends to be an old tree that is stupid, not to mention her.

Dongfang Xuan stood at one meter in front of the ancient tree. After scanning for a lap, he found no strange things, but he did not give up, wandering around the old tree, while his right hand touched his chin. In a state of contemplation.

Su Luo’s tears ran in his heart, and he wished that Dong Xuan would leave early, but what was counterproductive was that Dong Xuan was not but not walking. Instead, he stopped at a position where he was separated from the Soviet Union by a layer of bark, and thought about it carefully.

Suddenly, he touched his chin and muttered to himself: "This plant pet seems to be stupid, but it is barely resistant."

"What?" The fall of the old tree instantly widened his eyes. What does Oriental Xuan mean? Wouldn't it be what she thought?

At this time, the voice of Dongfang Xuan came out quietly: "The plant pet is hard to find. Since the stinky head has a plant pet, then I also find it difficult to collect it."

Sue squandered in my heart: Can you not be so reluctant?

It is a pity that Dongfang Xuan can't hear the sound of Su Luo. Even if he can listen to the ground, then it is also that Su Luo said that he must be going west. Therefore, it is not useful for him to say that Su Tuo's Tucao.

At this point, I saw the oriental Xuanzang sleeves, hands on the old tree -

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