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"No." The little stone answered well.

But... Although rejected, the dawn of the Oriental Xuanguang slowly lighted up, and finally it was like a star.

"You, not the ink ancestor." The tone of Dong Xuan is very positive.

The heart of Su’s heart was not good. I didn’t expect the small stone to be exposed so quickly... I thought it should be the sentence just now, and the answer to Xiaoshi’s answer was heard.

In the face of the oriental Xuan declarative tone, the small stone is not okay, but the irony of the corner of the mouth is more and more intense.

"Tell me, who are you? Where did the real ink ancestor go? How did you get into the body of the ink ancestors?" The oriental Xuan voice had a slight crack, which is very important for him. Because this means that he is also likely to refine a strong man who belongs to himself.

A pair of dark eyes of Mo Laozu stared at him indifferently and looked at him with an idiotic look.

After the oriental Xuanxue knew it, his vision fell to the Soviet Union: "Is this yours?"

Su’s hands clasped his chest and looked at him like a smile, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

"Would you like to fight? If you don't hit us, you can go." Su Luo reminded me very well.

There is more than one ink ancestor, and Dongfang Xuan really doesn't know what to do. Because of the original jealousy of the ancestors of the ink, this time he should leave far away, but it is hard to catch up with the Soviet Union, he will be willing to be willing?

Just as the East Xuan hesitated, the ink ancestors suddenly took a shot.

The reddish magma instantly wraps around the oriental mystery.

No one thought that the old ancestors would preemptively, and Dong Xuan did not expect it, so he did not react at first.

In fact, he did not know that at the moment when Mo Laozu appeared, Su Luo and Mo Laozu had already made up their minds, and they must destroy the mouth of the oriental Xuan, because if the ink ancestors were spread out by the Soviets, The consequences are very serious, so in this mysterious secret, Dong Xuan must die.

In the face of the raging attack of the ink ancestors, the Oriental Xuan Huang God quickly responded.

Endless ice and snow spread toward the magma flame.

The two meet in midair.

Ice and fire are born with each other, and the difference is long.

Just as soon as he played, the oriental Xuanzang flashed a strange look.

The strength of this ink ancestor... Is it degraded? It was not as strong as he knew. After doing it, will the strength drop by one grade? From the holy step to the leader? The oriental Xuan Xin is full of countless questions, and only those Su Yu can answer him. Therefore, Dong Xuan decided that after this war, he would ask the Soviet Union to ask clearly.

Two people in the air against the palm, the palm of the hand whistling, and sometimes the world is frozen, sometimes the magma is rolling, the battle is not intense.

Below, Su’s hands clasped his chest, his eyes narrowed, his eyes fixed on the battle.

The situation looks pretty good. The ink ancestor is slightly stronger than the Oriental Xuan, so there is a six-point winning odds, plus the small stone is a super strongman countless years ago, and the combat experience is very rich, so this time The small stone has a more chance of winning, and the total has a 70% grasp.

Then, as long as the small stones do not go wrong, the victory of this battle is absolutely on the side of the Soviet Union.

Su Luo looked at this unique game with relish, and there was a hint of insight in his heart.

However, at this time, the change suddenly happened.

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