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In a twinkling of an eye, the Soviet Union has already fought against the Octopus.

However, when I first started, I found that things were not good, because the strength of the Eight-Clawed Monster was not weaker than the Oriental Xuan Xuan.

Under the impact of a stroke, the shape of the Soviet Union quickly receded, and the eight-claw tentacles not only did not retreat, but also rushed up with imposing manners, and its thick tentacles swept away toward the waist of the Soviet Union.

It is very fast, and when the Soviet Union has not reacted, it has already circled the waist.

Then, just seeing its long tentacles shivering slightly, the whole person was tied tightly, and then the tentacles were pulled backwards. The solitary shape was pulled into the eight-claw tentacles. In front of the monster.

The Soviet Union has no resistance.

The smashing water droplets in the mouth of the eight-claw tentacles squirted down, and the sputum was full of disgusting smell. Su sang almost spit out.

But now she is tied into a sculpture, her body can not be their own master.

The eight-claw tentacles and water monsters swept the Soviet Union in front of its large **** mouth. Mori’s cold eyes fixed on the fall, his eyes flashed with indifference and sneer, and it seemed to say, see where you fled, and finally not Can't escape my palm?

At this time, the oriental Xuan Zheng and the ink ancestors fought very fiercely. He accidentally saw such a situation, and his heart suddenly overjoyed!

Eat fast, eat fast! Dongfang Xuan eagerly cheered the eight-claw tentacles in his heart. If the eight-claw tentacles can eat the Soviets, he decided to treat the hard-working monsters.

Just when the eight-claw tentacles must be tied to the ground without any resistance,

At this time, a small, white-haired fox appeared on the shoulder of the Soviet Union, and saw it screaming at the eight-clawed monster.

The nine tailed foxes are best at changing sheep.

Since it was used once in the Jiuzhong Hall, it has not recovered its vitality. Now it is at a critical juncture in the life and death of the Soviet Union. It finally made this move.

Although the strength of the eight-claw tentacles is much stronger than the nine-tailed fox, the nine-tailed fox's changing sheep can be used more and more. Of course, the stronger the opponent, the shorter the time for changing the sheep.

When the eight-claw tentacles screamed at the gods, he suddenly found that his figure began to change.

The body, which was originally huge and ugly, was instantly turned into a weak and weak little sheep.

The gap was so great that the eight-claw tentacles did not react for a while and looked at them in a stupid manner.

I only heard the sound of "噗通", and the eight-claw tentacles that became the lambs fell into the ink river. The whole body was wet, and the white fur was close to the body, which looked like a wolf.

And the Soviet Union?

Just when the nine-tailed little fox screamed, Su Luo had already guessed that it had to use the sheep-changing technique, so he prepared well early, and when the eight-claw tentacles were released, the Soviet Union’s hand-held sword was stunned. Between the little lamb and the throat.

Not to be missed.

In order to reinvent this eight-claw tentacles, there is only one such opportunity.

Sure enough, the Octopus tentacles did not realize that it had become a lamb, and it had already suffered an attack from the Soviet Union.

The shadow sword is sly and accurate, and the sword is shining!

The eight-claw tentacles are not the leader of the peak, although it has become a lamb, but the perception of danger is still very strong.

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