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As he said, the unrestrained face of Nangong Liuyun is so beautiful that the coldness of the ink is firmly fixed on his face.

The footsteps of Nangong Liuyun are steady and powerful, step by step toward the oriental mysterious.

At this time, Nangong Liuyun exudes an invisible deterrent force, which is like a sleek, peerless cold sword. The ear of the thorns creaks, causing people to feel cold in the bottom of their hearts.

The Oriental Xuan subconsciously stepped back.

After stepping back, he realized that he had done something stupid, so he immediately stood firm and coughed to cover up the shackles.

Nangong Liuyun's thick sword eyebrows slightly picked up, step by step approaching the oriental mysterious, cold eyes like cold lake, the sound is cold: "Let's fall?"

When it comes to Su Luo, the anger in the East Xuan Xin suddenly rises to the highest, he snorted: "Now ask, don't you think it is too late?"

The Nangong Liuyun was suddenly dark, and the cold mangling was shining. The long arm stretched out and wrapped the collar of the oriental Xuan, and picked him up directly. It was covered with cold eyes and burst out to kill: "Say!"

The powerful anger of the screams of the East will make the brain of the East Xuan Zhen.

The oriental mysterious eye has a horror that is hard to fade.

If he remembers correctly, when he was separated from Nangong Liuyun, he was only the leader of the class. How can it be so fast in the blink of an eye?

Dong Xuan knows that his strength has been restored to 70% and 80%, and at least there is the strength of the middle stage of the Holy Order. However, it was directly captured by Nangong Liuyun. What happened in the end? Isn't Nangong Liuyun not only killed by the dragon, but also because of the disaster, another opportunity is not achieved?

The oriental Xuan Yue thinks more and more horrified, the more he wants to regret it, the last gaze is staring at Nangong Liuyun: "What about the dragon?"

"Do you think it still has a chance to live?" Nangong Liuyun's arms tightened and snorted.

Dongfang Xuan felt that the throat seemed to be cut off. There was a feeling of suffocation close to death, which made him feel terrible.

"Say!" Nangong Liu Yun burst into a burst, the voice was anxious and impatient.

The oriental Xuan’s low-lying eyes flashed a hint of coldness. On the strength, now he is no longer an opponent of Nangong Liuyun. If you do not take some measures, today I am afraid that I have to explain it here.

This has just fled the pursuit of the Soviet Union, and immediately fell into the killing of the Nangong Liuyun, Dongfang Xuan felt that his luck was the ultimate.

In the end, what can be done to disturb the calmness and rationality of Nangong Liuyun, and let his spirit appear flawed? The oriental mysterious glory was shining, and soon there was an idea.

"Do you really want to know the news of the Soviet Union?" Dongfang Xuan waved the arm of Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun’s black scorpion was slightly stunned, and his eyes stared at him for a moment without saying a word.

"In fact, the Soviet Union..." Dongfang Xuan sighed softly. "In fact, what happened to Sulu now, I don't know... I hope this Shantou person has its own natural world."

"What happened?" The Nangong stream was quiet, but the back of the hand on the wide robes was bulging, and it was obviously angery.

With this beginning, Dongfang Xuan wrote a lie in a vivid way.

He said that Su Luo was chased and killed by the bottom of the Mohe River. His words were really a fake, and almost no one could find a flaw.

In the story he described, after Su Luo entered the Mohe River, he was confronted with the war gods, and then there was no more...

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