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Nangong Liuyun unconsciously opened, wrinkled thick eyebrows and turned back.

This turn made his brow wrinkled even tighter.

Is this the original green tree of the original? At this time, the feeling of this ancient tree to the Nangong Liuyun is like a completely different kind of general.

I saw the original green leaf, which turned into a pale pink in a moment, giving a very dreamy feeling.

Not only that, Nangong Liuyun can still feel the excitement and shy emotion sent from this ancient tree body... Yes, it is this kind of emotion.

Nangong Liuyun felt awkward, he felt the trouble existed, so he turned and went.

However, before he stepped on the steps, the old tree suddenly turned into a small branch, and the belt of Nangong Liuyun was held, and he was not dead.

Nangong Liuyun feels big.

Obviously, this tree is now going to follow him.

If this tree is normal, strong, not so dreamy like a girl, maybe he will really take it out, after all, it is not easy to find a plant pet. And looking at the Susannai strain of Acacia, it is quite helpful.

But this strain... still forget.

After Nangong Liuyun made up his mind, he waved directly, pulled the old tree down from the waist, then threw it back to where it existed, and then strode away without heading back.

On the iron face ruthless, Nangong Liuyun claimed to be the second, and no one really dared to say the second.

After the small ancient tree was thrown away by the Nangong Liuyun, the whole body exuded a feeling of sadness and grievance, which seemed to be so sullen.

It looked at the back of the Nangong Liuyun, and the more he looked, the more sad he was, the more he wowed out.

However, the back of Nangong Liuyun is so decisive, saying no, don't want it, and it is no longer a bit of a relationship with him.

After discovering that this trick was useless, Xiao Gushu sucked his nose and ran up and down, and followed the Nangong Liuyun, and followed suit.

Nangong Liuyun walked, it also went, Nangong Liuyun stopped to step back and licked it, and then it pitifully curled up the small body, shivering and shivering in place.

Such a small thing, not only looks at the pitiful, but also a rare baby in the millennium, who is not rejoicing, not fighting for you to die? It’s just that the Nangong Liuyun is not allowed to let the other party die and die, but still firmly.

Nangong Liuyun felt a little annoyed. He snorted and then walked away. At the same time, he accelerated his speed and soared the speed to a point that no one else could match.

However, what Nangong Liuyun didn’t think was...

On the speed, this small ancient tree is not slower than him!

No matter how fast he is, small things can follow him step by step, not to leave!

This found that it was a bit surprising to let Nangong Liuyun. Can it be said that the strength of this small thing has really reached a new realm? If this is the case, it can be collected, and when it is found, it will be given as a gift to her.

There is this small ancient tree that protects the land, but it can only make him feel relieved when he runs away.

Thinking so, Nangong Liuyun’s attitude towards this small ancient tree has improved a bit.

He stopped and went back.

Seeing the long shadow of Nangong Liuyun suddenly turned around, the small ancient tree had a fear of being caught in a bad thing, and subconsciously stepped back.

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