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"So, where is the fallen red lotus?" This is the most important thing. If you want to get the fallen red lotus, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

Su Luo thought about his current physical condition and could not help but be discouraged.

"Ask it." The small stone was very casual and threw the hot potato to the patron saint.

That little thing actually knows? Su Luo had a care in his heart, so he recruited to let Xiao Ziyan come over.

Xiao Ziyan was in a very complicated mood at this time. When he saw the fall, he ran wildly.

The little body stood upright in front of the Soviet Union. It looked very funny, the eyes were wet, and the little face looked very cute.

"Lone red lotus, you know?" Su Luo opened the door and asked directly.

Xiao Ziyan was surprised that the little claws were holding their small mouths, for fear of revealing excitement... but it was completely leaked.

Su Luo simply took it over and squatted in his arms, gently licking its furry chin.

She knows that Xiao Zi has concerns, so give it some time to think.

Xiao Ziyan thought for a moment, and finally looked at Su Luo solemnly. His eyes were serious and dignified. He only said three words: "It is very dangerous."

The smile of the Soviet Union was a bit bleak. If she does nothing, according to Xiaolong, it is to sit still, only one dead road, but if you fight to go, it is possible for her luck to fight back. What's more, she still has a hole card - the **** of war.

When thinking of the **** of war in the space, the Soviet Union has an impulse to help.

If it wasn't for her to stop it in time, I was afraid that most of the treasures in her space were swallowed up by him. Nowadays, most of the treasures I got at the first pass have been consumed by the God of War.

Even if the financial atmosphere is as thick as the Soviet Union, now it is a little bit worthy of the war gods.

Time passes by little by little.

Xiao Ziyan saw Su Luo repeatedly insisted, and finally nodded helplessly.

Jumping down to the embrace of the Soviet Union, it ran in front of the noble and elegant footsteps to lead the way to the Soviet Union.

Su Luo was seriously injured at this time, and his movements were inconvenient, so he summoned the **** of war, and then Su Luo sat on his shoulder, and quickly followed the footsteps of Xiao Ziyan.

When the **** of war saw Xiao Zi, he could not help but lick his tongue.

When Su Luo saw this, there was another impulse to support the amount.

After the nine-tailed little fox, this little sable has become the reserve grain of the **** of war.

In fact, Su Luo did not know that Xiao Ziyan had the natural mission of guarding the ancient people's trees. As long as the ancient people were in the tree, it could not leave the maze in one step, but now the ancient people tree ran away, that is, the little purple The natural mission has not been able to restrain it, so it can leave the labyrinth as it pleases.

Xiao Ziyan took the Soviet Union away and missed the meeting with Nangong Liuyun. The Nangong Liuyun took away the small ancient trees, and then Xiao Ziyan was able to leave the maze in a bright and straight way... These coincidences, as if there were a giant shape in the darkness Big palm, put all this in your hands.

The familiarity of Xiao Ziyan to this maze is not comparable to others. If you see it turn around, you will be able to find accurate shortcuts.

The speed of the little purplish is fast, the **** of war is not weak, and everyone quickly leaves the labyrinth.

However, the footsteps of Xiao Ziyan did not stop, but they continued to move quickly.

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