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Su Luo’s heart was bitter, and wow, a blood squirted out.

She has lost too much blood, and now the blood loss is more serious, her body is soft and crumbling, as if the next second will be unconscious.

“Don't I be doomed to go?” The Soviet Union was covered with a faint moist. For such a situation, she felt a sense of despair in her heart.

This soul bridge, she really can't keep going.

"I will take you for a while." The small stone shook his head and finally said something that hesitated for a long time.

"Will this hurt you?" Su Luo remembered that Xiao Ziyan was in such a state of fainting, she did not want to serialize small stones.

"Do you think that I am the kind of self-denying character?" The little stone stunned and stunned.

"It's really not." Su said the truth.

"Isn't that finished?" The small stone snorted, and in the invisible angle of the Soviet Union, there was a complex color in the shackles.

Just after the small stone finished this sentence, taking advantage of the spirit of the Soviet Union, he quickly controlled the body of the Soviet Union and quickly flew forward!

The strength of the small stone is more than two points.

So these soul flames are not as powerful for him as the Soviet Union.


The white shadow swiftly passed.

When Su Luo opened his eyes again, he looked at the signs in front of him and couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

Nine kilometers!

But in the blink of an eye, the small stone has reached a distance of nine kilometers?

In fact, this is because the body of the Soviet Union is too bad. If we go forward, her body will definitely blew itself and turn into powder, disappearing into the void, so within the limit of nine kilometers, the small stone has to stop. .

The small stone face is not red and not breathing, cold and sneer: "You see, such a simple matter, but it makes you difficult to become like that, this is the problem of strength!"

Su Luo looked stunned and had not spoken yet. The small stone had already waved his hand: "Okay, I am going to drink water, and you can get it for yourself."

Subsequently, the figure of the small stone disappeared quickly, and the visual inspection entered the space.

All of this happens between the electric and the flint.

When the colony reacted, the small stone had disappeared without a trace.

In the meantime, it was simply a one-man show of small stones, and Su Luo couldn't even insert a sentence.

Seeing that the small stone disappeared so quickly, Su’s heart suddenly had a bad premonition. She explored the space with spiritual power. When she saw the small stone again, her eyes were slightly red.

How can a small stone be as casual as he said? Now he has already fallen into a coma, and his face is covered with a thick layer of frost, which looks pale and terrible.

Su sputum is wet, but the corner of his mouth is slightly raised. She solemnly swears to the unconscious rock.

Obtaining the first flame in the birthplace of Heaven and Earth, the legendary treasure is falling red lotus. The Soviet Union knew from the beginning that this is not a flat road, but a death journey full of thorns and casualties.

However, she had to go.

Quietly withdrawing from the space, the attention of the Soviet Union is placed in the current environment.

When the small stone took the soul away, Su Luo felt an unprecedented pressure, like a heavy mountain, pressed against her, and she seemed to break into debris at any time.

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