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Thinking about it, naturally, I did it.

But what happened to Su’s unexpected happened.

This small space does not know what method was applied by the little lotus, it is still a static state!

Su Luo just wanted to jump up, but when she jumped halfway, she found that something was wrong, because she found that there was a magical power around it that could ban space.

Just like a spider web, it can keep people online.

That is to say, when the Soviet Union jumps up, as long as one is not careful, the body will be solidified by that space, and will not come back later.

After realizing this truth, Su's heart suddenly jumped.

In midair, the Soviet Union subconsciously hurriedly turned around and slammed into the air.

After falling to the ground, Su’s heart patted his chest.

Fortunately, it was discovered early, or even she would have to be frozen. Once frozen, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After the sigh was over, the distress in the heart of Su Luo became more and more serious.

Because now she can't even go up, can there be any way to follow the fallen red lotus, will the 62 petals condense into 32? This is a task that can't be completed.

Suning really wants to be more distressed and more and more desperate, desperate and sigh.

If it is not possible, she and Nangong Liuyun will only be able to stay here in this life, and never think about going out. Because Su Luo did not suspect that Honglian said the truth of this sentence.

And the three months have passed most of the time, and the rest of the time is full less than a month. In this month, can she really figure out a solution? If this month is passed, even if you come up with a solution, it will never go out.

Su Luo grabbed his hair anxiously, and then turned to see Nangong Liuyun.

At this time, the Nangong Liuyun is still immersed in his cultivation, his face is serious and solemn, and the appearance of a stranger is not close.

Su Luo suddenly had no choice but to look up at the problem in midair and study it in detail.

There is no clue on the side of the Soviet Union. In contrast, Dong Xuan, his luck seems to be very good.

After the Oriental Xuan Xue Festival, he knew that he could not get the fallen red lotus. He took the opportunity to turn and ran.

It turns out that his choice is correct.

It wasn't long before he ran out. Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound behind him. He looked back, behind him was a rolling magma, and a towering sky was rising like an angry tyrannosaurus!

At the time, Dong Xuan was shocked and delighted in his heart.

He was shocked that his choice to retreat on the spot was the most correct choice; the joy was that when the fallen red lotus broke out, Nangong Liuyun and Su Luo were shown to be blood-suppressed by him.

The horror is that he did not expect that the energy of the fallen red lotus would be so huge, he was afraid that he would be affected.

Dong Xuan had no time to think too much, and showed the fastest speed in this life, and ran wildly in front of him!

At that time, if he used this speed to kill the Soviet Union, the ten Soviets were dead. It can be seen how life and death will be.

Even though Dong Xuan at this time was almost crumbling because of the blood sacrifice, the instinct of survival inspired all his potential. He was very fast and lightning-fast.

The magma attack of the fallen red lotus cannot be underestimated.

So even if the East is running fast, it will not escape its attack range.

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