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Nangong Liuyun slowly stood up, arms around his arms, and looked gracefully at Su's busy life.

"What are you doing?" he asked leisurely.

"These sixty-four petals are merged into thirty-two." Sue screamed. "But this space is quiet, it can't move them at all, and when people go up, they will be sealed, especially difficult." ”

“It’s particularly difficult to do? Can it be difficult for me to live in a small place?” Nangong’s flowing white-skinned slender fingertips slightly picked up the sharp chin.

Su Luo gave him a sigh of relief: "Nature is hard to live, you are optimistic!"

Just finished, Su Luo began to spin up, clothes swayed, like a fish shuttle in the original quiet midair, fluttering and dancing, it is beautiful.

The speed of the Soviet Union was extremely fast. I saw her sleeves raised and turned quickly. She picked up a petal at random and placed it on another piece.

After that, the two petals begin to fuse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surrounding stars shimmered and the brilliance was shining. After a while, the two petals were actually merged into one piece.

Completely, even if you look closely, you can't see a little flaws and traces.

Su Xiaozui’s mouth raised a touch of faint smile, and the middle of it was even a smile.

In fact, she already knew that the problem that fallen red lotus gave her was not how to combine two petals, but how to break this quiet and closed space. More simply, as long as it can be done here. The free movement of the film in the confined space, then the problem will be solved.

Before Su Luo wanted to understand this problem, she dive to study her gravity space.

What is so strong is that when the space of the Soviet Union was turned into a gravity space, there were sixty-four gold lines in his mind.

So, during this whole year, Su Luo finally merged the sixty-four lines in her mind into thirty-two. At the moment when the fusion was completed, Su Luo discovered that her gravity space is more than the original foot. The foot has doubled!

Then there is a calculation in the heart of Su Luo.

She really realized the meaning of the fallen red lotus to give her this puzzle.

In order to verify her conjecture, Su Luo was even flying.

In fact, her guess is completely correct.

When she was on Su Luofei, Su Luo found that when she put the enhanced gravity space to cover the small area that was blocked, then -

She can move freely like a fish into the water.

All the problems are solved.

Nangong Liuyun stood underneath and looked at the suspense in the air like a butterfly dance, and his face raised a shallow smile.

In this year's time, his fall has finally grown up, and his strength has increased a lot. If he didn't make a mistake, he only needed an opportunity and she would be promoted to the rank of leader.

Nangong Liu Yun’s hands clasped his arms and his eyes were half-squatting. He suddenly found a fact that made him feel frustrated.

That is, when he is there, Sue always relies on him, he does not take the initiative to promote, and he is not happy, but when he is not there, when she has to be alone, her strength will be The promotion is particularly fast.

Could it be said that in order to let her improve her strength, he has to leave without heart? This is really a sad story. Nangong Liuyun single-handed support, speechless mouth pumping.

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