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After a short time, Beichen Shadow slowly opened his eyes.

Su Luo noticed his strangeness early, so when Bei Chenying opened his eyes, Su Luo just leaned down and tried to observe his temper.

Thus, the four eyes are opposite.

"Oh, my mother!" Bei Chenying was shocked by the enlarged face.

It wasn’t the Sue that was scary, but Beichen Ying saw his own reflection from the dark eyes of the Soviet Union.

That unkempt, hairy mess, dirty, not a few sly, is it really you? It is almost impossible for Beichen Ying to accept this fact, so the whole person is stupid.

With Su’s understanding of Beichen’s shadow, how could he not know what he thinks now? So Su Luo patted him on the shoulders very well: "Young, what happened? Isn't it going to be cleaned?"

"Let's fall!" Until this moment, Beichen Ying was like a soul homing, and he suddenly came back to God. He excitedly pulled the Soviet Union and was about to complain about the pain after leaving, but -

What is this soft?

The question came to my mind. When Bei Chenying wanted to ask, he was shocked by the little things in front of him: "This, this is... your children?! You even have children, have,?!"

Su Luo was stunned on the spot and almost smashed in the past, taking advantage of Bei Chenying: "What about nonsense?"

"Isn't it? Don't tell us that you have caught a little baby from the dragon's secret environment!" Beichen's shadow shook like a rattle, and he didn't believe it at all.

In the secret environment of the dragon, there are no other people besides them. Can a child who is less than a month fly out of the air? So no need to explain, this baby is definitely a child of the Soviet Union and Nangong Liuyun.

What can Su Luo say about this sentence? In fact, the fallen red lotus is really like the same.

"Oh." A thousand words, all turned into this sigh.

Beichen Ying squinted and smiled very happy. He slammed into the shoulder of Nangong Liuyun: "Hey, I said the second child, you really have to hurry. This opportunity is really wonderful, wonderful!" Beichen Yingchao Nangongliu The cloud gave a thumbs up.

However, the forehead of Nangong Liuyun at this time has a bulge.

How could the little broken child be the kind of his Nangong cloud? If his child is so naughty, he has already been thrown into the mountains to harm the wolves. The Nangong stream is very calm, and there is no wave, but the heart is spitting.

At this time, the little broken child spit out his tongue.

Nangong Liuyun almost flew past a fist.

Under the persuasion of Su Luo, Bei Chen Ying finally ran to wash the body again, put on clean clothes, and immediately became the drunken beauty of the knees of the son of Jun.

Dawn, roof.

When the first morning sun shines on the cultivation of the purple sable, it has come to an end.

I saw her eyes slowly open, the eyes are crystal clear, as if it does not contain a trace of variegated, pure and flawless almost perfect.

"I am not dead?" This is the first sentence that I have said after the re-live.

"Don't you want to die?" Su fell to her with a sigh of relief. Didn't she know that she was anxious before because of her life and death?

"Of course I don't want to die, I want to die of you, fall!" Purple is not waiting for the Soviet Union to avoid, arms out, and she is holding a solid.

But soon, Zi Yan noticed the little things in the arms of Su Luo.

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