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Dongfang Xuan intentionally said the voice very loudly.

Deliberately let all of them hear it.

Because he wants them to be afraid, fear, collapse...

Knowing his own death but can't do anything, can only wait for the time to come a little bit, this fear is enough to crash a peak master.

Dong Xuan, I enjoy this process of watching others gradually collapse.

When the words of Dongfang Xuan came out, the sound in the dungeon suddenly came to an abrupt end.

Dongfang Xuan was very satisfied with the effect he had created, and then he glared at Li Yaoyao's slim waist, and he laughed and walked away.

In the dungeon, several brothers face each other.

"This is a big problem." The brows of the dark night wrinkled.

He can feel that this time the oriental mystery is coming true.

Bei Chenying took a mouthful of himself: "I blame me for this stinking mouth, and I am anxious about Dongfang Xuan."

Now their brothers are not the opponents of Dongfang Xuan, only Nangong Liuyun can defeat him.

Although everyone knows that Nangong Liuyun is not dead, he and Su Luo are temporarily staying in the secret of the dragon, and God knows when it will come out.

When he returned, the brothers had already been cut into pieces by the Oriental Xuan.

"What should I do?" The blue-shaded face was slightly pale.

"It seems that we can't do anything except wait for death." The voice of Zi Yan was lazy from the corner.

Li Yaoyao hated her for hating her death, and all her meals were poisoned. Fortunately, she only had some dry food on her body, otherwise this life was gone.

For a time, the dungeon was quiet...

That night, it was amazing.

The brothers are also unambiguous, and they will eat a hearty meal.

The time passed quickly, and the morning light of the next day was still rising slowly in the resistance of the people.

However, Nangong Liuyun still did not come.

Before the noon.

The oriental Xuanzang sat on the large Taishi chair, squinting and looking at the young people standing in front of the line.

"Bei Chenying, dark night, blue rendering, purple 妍..." The oriental Xuan finger points past one by one, and the corner of his mouth hangs a sneer. "You have two choices now."

Zi Yan's ridiculous eyes fell on the oriental mysterious face.

But the oriental Xuan Xiang did not see it, and sneered and said: "One, die. Second, live."

"How is death, how is it?" The dark night is calm and the tone is unchanged.

"Death, it's very simple, you don't do anything, just wait for death."

"As for living..." Dong Xuan smiled and licked his lips. "It is also very simple. As long as the last one of the four of you is left, the last person standing can live. I, Dong Xuan promises."

Dongfang Xuan finally patted his chest and made a promise.

Good poisonous oriental mystery!

Bei Chen Ying hated a few in his heart.

This is not a knife, let them fight a few!

Such a vicious trick, only the oriental Xuan Cai thought out.

"How? Do you want to live? If you want to live, let's start." Dong Xuan is proud of his brilliant tricks.

He just likes to watch their infighting, that is, like the so-called brothers of Nangong Liuyun, in order to survive, fighting like a dog!

This will bring him countless pleasures and pleasures.

Under the order of the East Xuan, a cold sword with a handle was distributed to the hands of four of them.

Bei Chenying took the lead in taking this sword.

The dark night hesitated, and then followed.

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