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The heart is inserted by a sharp knife, but it can still persist without being mad, and only a strong person like him can do it.

How can Zixiao not understand the words of Beichen Ying.

He is letting her suffer again and then humiliating and dying, waiting for the return of Nangong Liuyun. At that time, it is the Oriental Xuanji Day.

When she died, she was over 100, but she was alive, but she had to bear the insults of Dong Xuan and Li Yaoyao... so he said sorry to her.

"And..." Beichen Shadow's chest is violently ups and downs. He knows that if he doesn't say anything, he will never have a chance in this life.

"And... I love you!" Beichen Ying suddenly concentrated all the power, mad out these three words!

This is what he has been in his heart for a long time.

He always knew that Zi Yan liked him, but he did not know because of the falling things, but in fact, he had been willing to give up on the hopeless love of falling, and he had already left his heart on Zi Yan. .

"I love you too, I love you too! Don't leave me! Beichen, since you love me, don't leave me!" Ziyan cried like a helpless child.

She swayed Beichen Ying, trying to shake him with her eyes closed, but no matter how she swayed, Beichen Ying closed her eyes.

She holds his hand but can't feel his pulse...

"No, no, this is not true, this is not true!!!" At this moment, Zi Yan’s brain exploded and the brain was completely blank.

In fact, such a result also shocked the oriental Xuan.

Oriental Xuan stayed in the chair and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

He asked them to fight a few, fighting for the only chance of survival. He wanted to prove that in the face of death, the so-called brotherly loyalty is a piece of paper, and whoever speaks loyalty is stupid.

But the reality has stunned him a big slap in the face.

He never imagined that he would find such dramatic changes.

He guessed the ending but couldn't imagine the process.

So firmly and resolutely, the sharp knife cuts into the chest with a sharp knife, and the brow does not wrinkle.

Brothers are in the city, do not ask for the same day of the same year, but seek the same year and the same month to die!

Such a determined death to death is really shocking the oriental mystery.

"This is impossible, impossible... How can this be?" At the same time, Dongfang Xuan was incredulous, but he was stunned by Nangong.

Because he has such a gang who trusts him wholeheartedly, and he is generous to his brother who does not wrinkle his brow.

But he is oriental, what brother does he have? He was alone, not even a close friend.

"Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha --" Suddenly, the East Xuan Zang stood up and shouted.

What about these brothers in Nangong Liuyun? Not all of them are dead now?

Not only did his brother die, but Nangong Liuyun died earlier.

These people are also looking forward to Nangong Liuyun will revenge for them? It’s beautiful to think about it!

In this life, this is absolutely impossible to happen!

Just when the East was so proud of it, suddenly, a whistling sound came from far away.

However, in a blink of an eye, the two figures flashed like a meteor and fell to the ground.

These two people are not others, it is the Xuan and Nangong Liuyun that Dong Xuan thought he had died!

When Su Luo saw the scene in front of him, he almost forgot to breathe, and then the boundless anger came up!

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