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At this point, Master Rong Yun has taken a step, so the face of the Soviet Union is really exposed to the Lord of the Purgatory City.

The eyes of the master of the city are solidified in an instant!

The body is in an instant, stiff!

Time seems to be still.

Many people don't know what happened, but Rong Yun knows that he was sighing a little at this time.

God is so, God is so.

The city of Purgatory City, slowly, step by step toward the Soviet Union.

The steps are very slow, and even a little rush, as if you are stepping on the clouds.

His gaze flashed through nostalgia, obsession, attachment, shock, incredible and so on, even when he held his breath, even the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

So strong people, this moment, it seems to become a hairy boy, so looking at a person with deep affection and obsessively.

Dong Xuan was behind the city's main adult, so he did not know the shock of the city at this time, he continued to complain behind him.

"Master! This is the demon woman to start with the disciple, you can rest assured that the disciple will not lose your face, this hatred does not report, my Oriental Xuan vow not to be human!" Oriental Xuanzang said endlessly.

But the master of the city is full of eyes at the moment, and the rest, nothing can be heard.

In the complicated eyes of the urban master, Su Luo was embarrassed to cough, and then silently looked at his master...

The urban master obviously sees her as her kind-hearted mother-in-law. How to deal with this situation?

Upon receiving the attention of the Soviet Union, Master Rong Yun snorted.

If it wasn't for her own cough, how could things become so complicated? So the consequence of the present is that it is the responsibility of the Soviet Union.

Rong Yun simply went over his face and didn't even look at the Soviet Union.

Su is in a hurry. What should I do now?

At this point, the urban master has already come to the face of the Soviet Union.

The two are separated by three steps.

Su Luo’s heart was entangled.

Do you want to tell the other person, oh, hello, I was the little baby that was hidden by Master and not allowed to find you?


At the time when Su Luo was doing various psychological constructions, the oriental Xuan on the side had already rushed up.

"Master, don't let you do it yourself, this hatred, let yourself report!" Dong Xuan was broken by an arm, and his heart was full of hatred.

However, when the Oriental Xuan is close to the Soviet Union, it is far away.

There was a strong killing in the Lord of the City!

This killing makes the surrounding air like a broken glass, and it sizzles.

The oriental Xuan, who rushed to the scene, did not check it. He was thrown backwards by this killing, and he slammed into the ground.

Oriental Xuan dumbfounded.

Li Xiaoyuan is dumbfounded.

Li Yaoyao is dumbfounded.

Master Rong Yun held his hands behind and sighed faintly. It’s always coming, and in the future, it’s really uncomfortable to drop the **** to the madman.

Dongfang Xuan was stupid by his own master.

He couldn’t understand why, Master was so short, but when he was shaken out, how did he become himself? Shouldn’t it be a fall?

"Master..." Dongfang Xuan got up and looked suspicious and confused.

The owner of the city swayed his hand impatiently and gestured to the oriental Xuankou.

Dongfang Xuan immediately snorted.

For Master's temper, Dongfang Xuanbi is clear to anyone, that is, can not be rebellious, can not refuse, can not say no.

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