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Upon hearing this familiar name, Dongfang Xuan suddenly looked up and looked at his master with a blank face.

"Do you remember what you said to the teacher when you first started?" The city owner was expressionless and his voice was like ice.

The oriental Xuan subconsciously recalled.

When he got started, he was still very young, but what Master said was very clear.

"Master said that after the entry, you are not required to be loyal to the Purgatory City, but this life must become a guardian of one person!" Dong Xuan looked up, looking at the city master seriously, and his heart was full of doubts, "But that person It never appeared."

Because the legendary character has never appeared, the oriental Xuan gradually gradually forgot about it.

"No, that person is in front of you." The master of the city was standing upright, his face was light and waveless, and the words of export were majestic.

Just in front of you? The eyes of Dongfang Xuan looked down in the direction of consciousness.

In addition to Master, there is another person, that is... Su Luo? !

"This is impossible!!!" Realizing this problem, Dongfang Xuan’s heart violently beats!

In his eyes, like a ghost, he looked at the incredible incredulously, his eyes staring at the moment, and the whole person was like a thunder, his face was pale, and the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down.

"No, this is impossible, it is absolutely impossible..." The oriental mysterious figure was stupid, constantly shaking his head, shaking his head in the wood, and muttering to himself. Besides, he did not know how to react. .

The infernal city master looked at him like an idiot, frowned, faintly snorted, and then he raised his eyebrows and looked at the Soviet Union. "Since it is your servant, how to deal with it, naturally you have the final say."

The urban master's speech is simple and concise, but in the face of the Soviet Union, his words are always very long.

To tell the truth, Su Luo was also shocked by the words of the city master who just said to Dong Xuan.

Although I heard about the rumors of the master of the city before, when the incident was clearly placed in front of myself, the Soviet Union still felt a little unimaginable.

The extent to which the lord of the city loved her mother so much that she loved the house and maintained it to such an extent.

Su Luo took a deep breath, calmed down the mood, and then whispered: "Oriental Xuan, must die."

"Okay." There is no hesitation, as if the feelings of mentoring for many years have never existed.

"Master!" Dong Xuan was angry and sad and sad, and finally desperate to the extreme.

He knew that Master was ruthless, unpredictable, and uncertain, but he did not know that he was cruel and ruthless. Is it true that the feelings of mentoring and so on for so many years are fake?

Suddenly, the oriental Xuan smiled desperately.

Yes, Master is right. He accepts himself as a disciple, but in order to give someone a slave, protect her, protect her, and dedicate her life to her.

However, he stupidly chased her and made a big hatred.

"Hahaha, hahahahaha..." The oriental Xuan laughed and laughed with tears.

He laughed at himself too stupid, blinking, laughing at his life to be stupid to the extreme.

"Master, the disciples made a big mistake, they didn't dare to forgive, they knew that the death sin could not escape, but..." The voice of Dongfang Xuan was with a touch of hope, "but please let me go through my baby..."

The eyes of the oriental Xuan, gently looking at the baby in Li Yaoyao's arms.

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